Clones - When to put them in to flower??


Hi there... this is my 1st grow... need some advice...


The plant is a clone, only 3/4 weeks old, cheese clone grow, plant looks very heathly, has rooted through the big r/w, roots good growth into clay pebbles.


feed is on p.h 5.8/6.0 - e.c 1.2

day temp 25/27c
night temp 19/22c
temp 23C water

4x lights eco e40 8u 250w blue spec, hanging 1 half foot away

mylar refec wall covering

hydro grow/clay pebbles/ebb/flow

A&B grow house & garden, multi enzyme, drip clean, nutes

Co2 bottle inrichment

inlet/outlet fans, osclating fans

Thanks ppl...

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Usually, I wait until the plants are 18-24". Most people wait until the plants is mature (alternating nodes) before flowering. Since these were clones taken from a mature mother plant they are already technically mature so you can pull the trigger whenever you want. The longer you wait, the better the yield.


thanks tommy... yeah i was unsure if to put them into flower so early would make a difference, but i might wait then, if the yield is bigger... will this not make the plant go even taller once in flower?? thanks...


Well-Known Member
This is a question that gets saked alot on here by new grower's, but the simple answer is it is very hard to tell someone when to flower because we have no idea how fast yr plants are growing, if the room that you are flowering in has plenty of good height then i would not start flowering till the plant's are at least 4 week old, by this time if you have h.p.s lights like i do then the plants should be around 1 1/2 ft tall from clone this includes the rooting stage.But take into account the height of the grow room because some plants will tripple in size if useing low intence lighting like cfl's or flouresents.Even when useing a h.p.s light and haveing the light realy close to the plant tops mine have gone from one ft to 2 and a bit in the space of 12 days so take the height into account ..............tyke..................................