Clones won't root no matter what you do??!!?? Read this and all will be well.


Active Member
Howdy. There are tons of teks on cloning, but what if they don’t work for you? What matter what you’re still not getting any roots, or very few. This is a tek that will attempt to explain why growers--even old, experienced growers such as myself--can encounter this problem. If you feel like your process is correct, your temps (both sub and room temps) are correct, and your mother is healthy and vigorous and you're still getting less than..say...65% rooted cuts...your problem is almost definitely water. I had this problem myself just recently after moving from Pennsylvania to maine.

To any growers who have never had this problem before, but then changed locations and all of a sudden you can't hardly get a clone to root...your problem is almost definitely water. If you're an organic grower, such as myself, you may not be in the habit of PHing your water. Tap water can wildly fluctuate. Mine goes from 6.8 to 10, depending on the amount of rain and runoff we have had recently. With a PH of ten, only the random pheno will be able to root. You may have checked your water one time and never again. No bueno. Follow this advice and you will succeed.

  1. Use purified drinking water or water that has been filtered through an ro system. Filtered water--while not always necessary--it often is totally necessary. PH, TDS, and EC won't tell you exactly what is in your water. A water test will, but most of us don't really do that if we're being honest. So your tap water could have unacceptable levels of something that is detrimental to the rooting process. You just don't know. So use purified water.
  2. PH your water. Even if it comes from a bottle, check the PH and adjust accordingly.
  3. If you're using a power cloner, put the motor on a 15 minute cycle. This will keep the water temps from getting heated too much by the motor and killing your clones.
  4. This should have been one, but air and sub temps are critical. Too hot and you get slime. too cold and roots won't grow or they will start to grow, but then go dormant. If you're using cubes of any type or just cloning in a 50/50 mix of perlite/vermiculite like I do (it's the cheapest way and actually works vey well. When you're done, you can even sterilize the sub and safely reuse it! Beats the hell outta $20 for 50 Root Riot or buying new neoprene all the time. Just use a clean prop tray and premoisten the 50/50 blend to field capacity. Poke a hole and stick it.), then 72 deg. is perfect. If you're using power cloners, I'm told that you want to stay under 70 deg. water temp, but I'm no expert on power cloners (though I have used all of them. I just prefer my 50/50 blend.)
  5. Do not just continue to foliar spray because your cuts don’t have roots yet. Keeping the lid on your tray too long, or just continuously spraying your leaves will not only prevent rooting in some cases, it also opens you up to issues with mold. By day five and no later you should remove your lid. Sometimes a foliar spray or tow is necessary afterwards, and that's okay. But you want your cut to grow roots. It has no need to do this if it is getting all the water it needs through foliar spraying.
  6. If your cuts are woody, use a stronger cloning product than the standard Clonex. I recommend Dip N Grow. It's the only one on the market that actually has two different rooting agents in it and allows you to mix at different strengths. Hormex #8 also works very well on woody cuts. Also, IMHO, cutting the cambium works better than scraping it--but that's just my opinion and i’m sure others will feel differently.
If you follow recommended procedures for actually taking the cut...and if your temp and sub temps are correct...and if your mom is healthy...and if you follow this will realize a 65-100% success rate with your cuts. I personally guarantee it.
Or try this

Or try this

I am currently PHing some water to 10 and taking cuttings to see if your tek does indeed work in all PH situations. When I first started having this problem after moving from a location of 15 years...I owned (and still own) both types of power cloner--hydroponic and aeroponic. I started thinking the technology was actually hindering me, so I switched to low tech teks. First I tried the glass of water. It didn't work...but then, I only waited two weeks. So this morning I got some water from the tap. PH was 8. I PH'd it to ten, and will let you know my results.

question: if PH doesn't matter when there is no roots, then why do roots not grow at high ph?
Well, you're not really disproving anything. I'm sure they won't root, but then again, your grandma or great grandma never had pH 10 coming out of her tap when she rooted plants on the windowsill. My sincerest apologies for not including enough context, lol
Howdy. There are tons of teks on cloning, but what if they don’t work for you? What matter what you’re still not getting any roots, or very few. This is a tek that will attempt to explain why growers--even old, experienced growers such as myself--can encounter this problem. If you feel like your process is correct, your temps (both sub and room temps) are correct, and your mother is healthy and vigorous and you're still getting less than..say...65% rooted cuts...your problem is almost definitely water. I had this problem myself just recently after moving from Pennsylvania to maine.

To any growers who have never had this problem before, but then changed locations and all of a sudden you can't hardly get a clone to root...your problem is almost definitely water. If you're an organic grower, such as myself, you may not be in the habit of PHing your water. Tap water can wildly fluctuate. Mine goes from 6.8 to 10, depending on the amount of rain and runoff we have had recently. With a PH of ten, only the random pheno will be able to root. You may have checked your water one time and never again. No bueno. Follow this advice and you will succeed.

  1. Use purified drinking water or water that has been filtered through an ro system. Filtered water--while not always necessary--it often is totally necessary. PH, TDS, and EC won't tell you exactly what is in your water. A water test will, but most of us don't really do that if we're being honest. So your tap water could have unacceptable levels of something that is detrimental to the rooting process. You just don't know. So use purified water.
  2. PH your water. Even if it comes from a bottle, check the PH and adjust accordingly.
  3. If you're using a power cloner, put the motor on a 15 minute cycle. This will keep the water temps from getting heated too much by the motor and killing your clones.
  4. This should have been one, but air and sub temps are critical. Too hot and you get slime. too cold and roots won't grow or they will start to grow, but then go dormant. If you're using cubes of any type or just cloning in a 50/50 mix of perlite/vermiculite like I do (it's the cheapest way and actually works vey well. When you're done, you can even sterilize the sub and safely reuse it! Beats the hell outta $20 for 50 Root Riot or buying new neoprene all the time. Just use a clean prop tray and premoisten the 50/50 blend to field capacity. Poke a hole and stick it.), then 72 deg. is perfect. If you're using power cloners, I'm told that you want to stay under 70 deg. water temp, but I'm no expert on power cloners (though I have used all of them. I just prefer my 50/50 blend.)
  5. Do not just continue to foliar spray because your cuts don’t have roots yet. Keeping the lid on your tray too long, or just continuously spraying your leaves will not only prevent rooting in some cases, it also opens you up to issues with mold. By day five and no later you should remove your lid. Sometimes a foliar spray or tow is necessary afterwards, and that's okay. But you want your cut to grow roots. It has no need to do this if it is getting all the water it needs through foliar spraying.
  6. If your cuts are woody, use a stronger cloning product than the standard Clonex. I recommend Dip N Grow. It's the only one on the market that actually has two different rooting agents in it and allows you to mix at different strengths. Hormex #8 also works very well on woody cuts. Also, IMHO, cutting the cambium works better than scraping it--but that's just my opinion and i’m sure others will feel differently.
If you follow recommended procedures for actually taking the cut...and if your temp and sub temps are correct...and if your mom is healthy...and if you follow this will realize a 65-100% success rate with your cuts. I personally guarantee it.
I get damn near 100% rate of roots in my ez cloners. All I do is fill it full of ro water, add up to 300 ppm of nutrients and dip my cuttings in cyclone from cyco. The only addition is my humidifier going at full throttle. Roots in 4 days
Ive tried so many methods. I have aero cloner, a dome with pellets misted daily , and diy dwc cloner. I got tired of chasing the ph and temps with aero. As well spraying and praying with the jiffy pellets and rapid rooters. After all the money and man hours spent now i just simply take the clone and put in a water bottle and leave it. In about 5-7 days your rooted with no hassle. use tap and I have %100 with this method and have No wilting or leaves fading. Hope this helps someone ✌️image.jpg