Clones won't root


Well-Known Member
I have tried to do clones 2 times now with no luck,Here is what i'm doing...
Cutting my clones from the bottom of my mother plant 4 nuds back, then cutting them at a 45% ,dipping in root gel for about 15 sec. then putting them in R.W.
Clipping any big leaves in half,putting in a dome at 98% Hum.I soak the R.W for 24 5.5 PH water with a little bit of Supper Thrive before in put the clones in .
It seems like the R.W never drys out its been 10 days and it is still wet.I take the lid off for about 10 min a day butt I still do not see any roots after 12 days
What in the hell am I doing wrong, Helppppppp:sad:


Rockwool might be too wet? Shake the cubes once or twice to remove excess water. You don't want the rockwool waterlogged; rather, evenly moist. Also, no need to soak the cubes for so long. I soak in clean RO at 5.5 for 30 mins. And a quick dip in the rooting gel is sufficient - just get a little hormone on there real quick and place the clipping where she goes.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Just wait bo if they r still green they will be fine. Just be patient and dont give up on them


Well-Known Member
and make sure to allow then to somewhat dry...if they are in a dome or something the rockwool won't dry, and then the clones won't root...


Well-Known Member
Rockwool might be too wet? Shake the cubes once or twice to remove excess water. You don't want the rockwool waterlogged; rather, evenly moist. Also, no need to soak the cubes for so long. I soak in clean RO at 5.5 for 30 mins. And a quick dip in the rooting gel is sufficient - just get a little hormone on there real quick and place the clipping where she goes.

Good luck
How long did yours take to root?


Well-Known Member
Ive got some goin now that look bad as fuck but m clones always come back somehow. I keep em ina dome outside for like a week then i just start lettin em be in the sun for short bursts and about a week after that with still no roots showin put the side of my peat pellets i just leave them out there the leaves will mostly die but somehow they just come back. Beautiful thing nature is!!


In rockwool, took about 14 - 21 days, sometimes longer in rough cases, dependent on strain and stem strength of cuttings. When I had cloned in rockwool, I had about an 80% success rate.


What had worked best for me was putting an inch layer of hydroton down before placing the clones in their tray. I would then initially fill the tray with RO about a half inch, set clones in place (sitting on top of hydroton) and place the dome on with vents fully open. Day temps 80, night 70. Ambient 6700k light 18 - 6. Spray the crap out of the hydroton with RO every day to keep the half inch layer of RO present. Spray rockwool -lightly- when the top of the cube feels dry. Remove dome for 30 mins to an hour at a time for fresh air once or twice daily (I did this before heavy hydroton spraying).


Active Member
Try poping a couple holes in the top of the dome to let a LITTLE moisture out. Also get a propagation mat at a local nursery, I used a old moisture proof heating pad on low under my dome with an towel insulator for years and years. Didn't even buy the real deal untill recently, cost about $25.00 bucks and is emersible. I cover it over with perolite and put my r/w cubes in this media. I dont use a rockwool conditioner, at all. I soak my cubes for a couple hours, after that, I sample the water they soaked in. I like as nuetral as possible to get started, 7.0. Then I try my best to keep it that way. Useing a flipped over clear plastic storage tub for a dome, I get nice roots in 2 weeks useing rootone and jiffy-pots. With clonex and rockwool 6 to 7 days. Also get a razor knife make the first cut, then useing the sterilized razor, cut again 1/4 inch up from that. Try to cut not collaps the stem, at a 45deg angle. Put in cube with gel. Key is, keeping the root zone warm without cooking it. most mats can be chained together, some have thermostats. Hope all this helps with your clones. Also don't give up on green clones like you where already informed, I worked with a strain at one time that took all of a month to get going. When they did, they looked sorry, but came around. Some strains will go in just a few days. I now look for strains that clone easy, ruderalis MIXES are hatefull clone subjects. peace