Clones yellowing seem to have a bit of light damage


Active Member
two pretty fresh clones in miracle grow organic soil (feeds periodically) 6 100 watt power cfl lights only a bit of reflective material in the grow area with white walls. the tips of the some of the leaves are slightly charring and yellowing and a few largely affected areas. some new growths on the bottom of the small plant are being affected by the same problems. i am attaching a few pictures let me know what you think or post if you need more information.



Active Member
thats what i am thinking could be from the periodic release. What do you guys recommend as far as brands i can get from say home depot?


Well-Known Member
my very first grow i was forced to use MG "organic soil" cause there were no hydro shops around... i got it at hd too... i think it was called organic choice or some shit..theres a few diff kinds too..i think they sort them by the colors of the bags!..just read the fronts of the bags and get w.e. has no nutes at all! should say 100% organic or all organic ,somthing along those lines...grab a bag of perlite while ur there too and mix it with ur soil!...


Active Member
Yeah the organic choice is exactly what i have had one CFL grow prior to this and all went well using the only option i had at the moment was some kind of regular miracle grow it worked alright so i thought i would try the organic version thinking it might have less or no nutes realized afterwards that it has some shit. Im gunna have to get some better soil thanks a lot for the advice i appreciate it...hope to see you around on the forums.


Active Member
Update: 1/26/10

The Clones are looking reallly good after getting them into some ocean forest soil...unbelieble what getting the right soil will do for your grow. They have been under 24 hr light for 15 days and im thinking they need to be set into flowering soon. Here are some pics of them as of today, let me know what you guys think about when to set them into flowering...and nextly which nutes for should i use for soil?


Casey Jones




Active Member
I would run them 20/4 before you go to a 12/12. Those babies need time to sleep too! :) They are looking great, but I would use a 5 gallon pot and still use a veg time for a while. When you veg, you also are promoting root growth, hince the need for the larger pot. Its your call, what you are doing seems to be working well, I just thought I would let you know what I have learned. Good Luck!!!