

Active Member
this is my first time cloning,took about a week and a half for the roots to come through, just seeing if there is anything better i can be doing, anything i should no about cloning thats different than just growing from seed, just trying to do my best

new grow 094fffffffff.jpgnew grow 095fffffffffff.jpg


Well-Known Member
week in a half is actually pretty fast i the ones i am doing now in an aero cloner are on 3 weeks but had roots in 2. same game start em on 1/4 strength nutes and work your way up. only difference is clones are already mature enough to flower. so you don't have to veg as long


bud bootlegger
yup, like wiseguy said, alot of people only let thier clones root and maybe give them another week of veg time, than they flip them to 12/12..
the clone will be the same age as the plant that they were taken from.


Well-Known Member
you might want to consider covering the tub with something, it will let light through, maybe some root guards over the net pots also. much better to prevent algae than to get it.


Well-Known Member
i would veg then at least a week maybe 2 depending on what kind of light you are going to use to flower them