

Active Member
Hey guys I want to start cloning to see the sex of some of my plants never cloned before either what is the best size for my plant to be when cloning they all have about 5-6 nodes and are about 1ft tall and the are 1month and 10day old still vegging


Well-Known Member
Take a clone now. Root it in RW and rooting gel/ powder. Takes up to 2 weeks then place it in 12/12 light. Make sure you lable what is what. You can do this in a Cloning tray if you want. Females normally show signs within 2 weeks males can take up to 4. Once youse. The clones you can take out males and replace with female clones. I would have done this 2 weeks ago but you good now.


Well-Known Member
wait till the branches are about 4 inches long, so you can have at least one inch in your cloning medium. i use peat pellets, they come with domes but i use a translucent rubbermaid storage box, a relatively small one thats about a foot in length, 8 inches in width, and about 6" high. a good way to practice cloning is to clone other plants if you have them. i grow marigolds, they're relatively easy to clone and they're good for practice. you should use rockwool, perlite, peatmoss, or ive even seen some people do it with sponges. anything absorbent that still lets in air will pretty much do it. then soak them in a low pH water for a few minutes. some do require this, other do not. after the soils wet, take a cutting where the branch meets the main stem, try to take a 45 degree cut so the branch is more exposed. after this, you should soak the cutting in 6.4-6.7 water for a minute, soak the whole thing for a second then i let the bottom of the branch sit in the water for a minute. now, get root hormone, either gel or powder, and dip the end of the stem in hormone. then put the stem in the medium, if you need to poke a hole in the medium before putting it in hormone.
after shes in the medium, she needs high humidity for about 5-6 days with low light, i use shop lights or cfls for this. also make sure the box stays about 70-80 degrees, not saying this is the limit but id suggest it for optimal rooting. also, id use 24/0 for clones but you can take clones outside as well, i do it in the shadow under a table but it works out fine since the temps here are always pretty high.
watch very close for mold and try to make sure the leafs arent touching the walls, this can cause mold damage as well. keep the dome very humid, but you may only need to spray them only once if the box is humid enough. after about 6-7, pop the dome and let some air get in, and leave it cracked open. the next day, remove the hood and let them run under some more light or put them closer to the lights, a little bit of air flow would be good for them as well. i wouldnt foliar feed since you want it to harden off and rely off the roots for energy. if you plant outdoors, leave her in the shadows for a day then put her out for an hour or so the next day and see how she reacts after a few minutes, if she looks droopy you may have to put her in the shadows again.


Active Member
So the best is to put the straight away into 12/12 to show sex right these clones will be disposed of as soon as I know the sex after that I will take more clones


Active Member
also where is th best place to take a clone do I leave 2 nodes from the top or take from the top where the auxins are most concentrated Iv seen too manys ways I am abit confused about that now


Well-Known Member
So the best is to put the straight away into 12/12 to show sex right these clones will be disposed of as soon as I know the sex after that I will take more clones
Not saying it's a bad thing but why would you get rid of small flowering clones? You can still get a few grams out of them and they will be 4 weeks ahead of your other plants and not much room. Great for test buds.


Well-Known Member
Not saying it's a bad thing but why would you get rid of small flowering clones? You can still get a few grams out of them and they will be 4 weeks ahead of your other plants and not much room. Great for test buds.
warlocks gotta point, id just veg em for a week and they'd get you some quality nugs if you treat em right. and it all depends, you can take them at 3" but you want more leaf matter when she gets separated from the plant, those are her last few energy sources until she decides to root.


Active Member
warlocks gotta point, id just veg em for a week and they'd get you some quality nugs if you treat em right. and it all depends, you can take them at 3" but you want more leaf matter when she gets separated from the plant, those are her last few energy sources until she decides to root.
if i cut right from the stem is it okay?


Well-Known Member
if i cut right from the stem is it okay?
you should actually, right where it meets the stem. try not to harm any leaves in the process, and remember 45 degree angle. i covered about everything i do for clones in my first post.


Active Member
Thanks another thing is the stems are still purple colour, would this effect anything? I know this might be potassium defiency but they are full up with nutes so i dont know why they are purple and theyre not cold either


Well-Known Member
Thanks another thing is the stems are still purple colour, would this effect anything? I know this might be potassium defiency but they are full up with nutes so i dont know why they are purple and theyre not cold either
some strains will have purple stems due to genetics or from the cold, potash is a likely cause although. id feed her some potash, wait 2-3 days then take your cuttings. the better she is before clones, the more clones will survive.


Active Member
ok so is it potassium or phosphorus the npk i am using now is 5 3 8 what do i add to increase can I double the dose or would that burn the plant


Well-Known Member
Can you post a pic? I'm leaning to P but could be K. Without a good pic of the leaves and stock it's almost impossible to be sure.


Active Member
Can you post a pic? I'm leaning to P but could be K. Without a good pic of the leaves and stock it's almost impossible to be sure.
This is the one of the plants I want as my mother if its a female

Close up of branches

This is another plant not sure of strain it has 9 blades per leaf and supposed to be an afgan strainit is very short but bushy is this normal lol


Active Member
I have 13 of these at the moment how many clones should I take from each plant and if I flower in about 2 weeks or so how much could I get out of each plant on average could ayone say at this point?


Well-Known Member
Dude!!! If you posted this from the start first answer would of been right. Every thing is great. If your going to make a mother out of the first pic you need to top it. Got some claw going on in the 2nd pic but that happens. Your golden and plants are healthy.