

Well-Known Member
my first time cloning just wondering if this is the norm for day three they are pretty limp temp is at 77 humidity around 70 and I'm watering with Ro water with quarter straight vitamino thanx



Well-Known Member
Why are they all wet??? Contrary to popular belief, you NEVER want to mist or wet the leaves of a plant in a cloner.
My clones will pick up their leaves in 1 -2 days usually, bigger cuts take longer.


Well-Known Member
BTW, they are healthy, just dry em off, leave em alone for 14 days.........................


Well-Known Member
BTW, they are healthy, just dry em off, leave em alone for 14 days.........................
How do I keep the rapid rooter moist keep water in the bottom of the pan ??? Just drip water over the cube ??? Thanx for the info


Well-Known Member
No lids, high humidity, misting or any of the crap you heard on here. Grow under MH lights. Now the clonex liquid works great. If clones came off 1000 watt mother they can handle the higher light. If all under fluorescents, sorry........


Well-Known Member
Intresting but my clones rooted quicker and better when I turned off my heat pad. I do my clones in a clone dome and use rooting hormone to help speed up the process..
I have also found that some strains just don't seem to root as well as others..


Well-Known Member
It took two weeks but all my clones rooted I've just been spraying the rapid rooter with a spray bottle until moist


New Member
Nice man i like aero cloners myself i can usually get clones in a week with gel and clonex water additive once i waited 3 weeks in a cold basement with none and used ferts and tracepak at the end with a shiton of superthrive


Well-Known Member
Yea in thinking a a areo cloner but right now I just don't have a space for it it's why I went with the tray a dome threw it in the closet and I didn't need a timer pump tote , the I'm not in no rush either I figure 4 weeks in cloner 4 weeks in areo tote and 8-9 in rail ,


Active Member
I'm kinda a newb at this, but have an 8-port, bucket cloner that I've had 7 crops of use with. I've had very good results with Clonex Gel and Solution (Usually all 8 have worked, but have never less than 6 successful clones).
These bucket cloners cost $49.99 at my local store. The Clonex Solution is $70, if you buy by the gallon. The Clonex Gel is $5.. I think that's pretty inexpensive start-up cost! Having strains to cut is another story.
I have misted the leaves, as I have them fairly close-up under 4 x 4' T-5's and my thought process was they would fry if I didn't. Am I wrong? Can I just leave them alone for 10-14 days, come back and plant them(keeping an eye on the temp, of course)?
Another question: What temperature do you think is optimal? I keep mine in the mid 60's to high 70's.
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