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Well-Known Member
not always that way theirs lots of ppl that sell clones on sites like craigslist or some other forums its not all that uncommon...
As I've stated before...As long as we smoke marijuana or have anything to do with it we are breaking the law and if your smart and not stupid about doing it your chances of gettin caught are slim to none.
Even you folks in cali have the feds breathing down your backs still. But the shops still keep going. Roll the bones baby hows they is hows they lay...Rock & Roll Puff Puff Pass ...


Well-Known Member
do you not understand, it's not overpriced to us who can't find genetics!! i can't just stroll down to the medical dispensary and get 5 og clones.
I do understand. I don't have access to those genetics either. But if it involves putting my security at risk I'm not willing to get those genetics. As I have previously stated.

i can't imagine anyone goin to prison for receiving 3 clones via mail! i know cats who use fedex to deliver WEED on a monthly basis, for years, no one has gotten popped yet...
Really?? Well try imagining. The way the legal system works: While ordering seeds from another country, customs intercepts it. If they catch contraband, they just remove it. When mailing things from within the states, if you get found out they follow it back to the source, and open an investigation on where it was sent to (and who, for that matter). I did an internship for a local law enforcement agency, and every day they went down to the local USPS store with a drug dog to sniff out the packages. When they got a hit on a package, they opened it up and found the drugs. They then packaged it back up, delivered it, waited a few hours, then busted down the door so they could catch you with your hands on the package. Customs doesn't do that, local, state, and federal cops do.

Also, the punishment varies from state to state. In mine, a plant is considered to be 1 lb for tax and punishment purposes, regardless of size. It makes it easier for them to count. What differs a plant from matter is roots. So getting unrooted clones mailed to your house is the same as plant matter, and you can get prosecuted for the weight of the plant matter. Usually just a misdemeanor. Getting rooted plants sent to your house is the same as getting 1 lb. of pot mailed to your house. That's a felony in my state. You can also get busted with conspiracy to commit drug related offenses, uping the penalty time to over 3 years.

I read the law. THAT is why I decided the cost was too high, not because of the $125. I would suggest that you read up on local and state laws regarding plant matter BEFORE you get it mailed to you house, and ask yourself if you are willing to deal with that punishment.

As far as your buddy goes, props to him. But keep in mind that LEO eventually wins in the end. It's almost an inevitability ... like casinos. The larger the op, the more secure the odds are that you will get caught.

OMG ..smoking that parinoid weed. Shit its illegal to posses and smoke it but we do it. Its illegal to grow but we do it..Its illegal to buy seeds here in michigan but we do it.
agreed. But in committing illegal acts, would it not be in your best interest to keep your security in order? Why give LEO more chances to find out you are growing/possessing/smoking the good green shit? It's all about risk:reward ratios. To me, getting clones greatly increases your chances of getting caught. Not getting them does not increase those chances. Ordering seeds has much smaller chances of getting caught.

I think the people that think they get ass raped in jail are the ones that really do get raped.
After spending time in jail (not serving time, thank god), I can tell you that jail is no picnic. Rape is very common. If you don't think so, and wish to live in ignorant bliss, go for it. I've seen the evidence.

Dude, its bud. It should be leagal, it isn't but it is not like distributing coke online.
I'm not here to have a moral discussion of what is and is not legal. I'm here to warn individuals. You don't want to listen, I don't care. Just don't get pissed if you get popped or ripped.

And yeah if you cant afford to lose 125 bux then you probably don't have enough extra dough to even be growing as things break and you need this and that, I have easy spent 125 on odds and ends at home depot when I needed a pack of screws.
$125 isn't that expensive, generally speaking. But $125 worth of a $40 product is expensive. You've spent $125 on screws, I've wasted it on much less.

They sell special "dark chocolate" snickers bars here for 55 cents. If they don't sell them in your area, does it make ethical sense for me to put it on sale, online, for $5? Not to me. That's called a rip off. Even if you can't get the candy bar in your area.

The people claim that they are doing the community a 'service' by making these genetics available. They are using monopolistic business tactics and strategies. As long as you don't confuse the two, I'm fine with it.

so what the fuck is your problem??
I don't have a problem. You clearly have a problem with me. Deal with it.

I'm just trying to get people to listen to common sense. Or my opinion, whichever the case may be. Why am I "beating a dead horse", as you put it? Because no one is listening, so I keep repeating myself.

Or ignore me. It doesn't effect me either way. I'm just trying to have all of you get the best results possible. Hate me if you want. I'm just TRYING to help you.


Well-Known Member
You seen someone get raped in jail?

They much have been a lil bitch, gay, or a rat or something.

No one I know has ever been fucked with in jail but my friends and I are pretty legit.


Well-Known Member
You seen someone get raped in jail?
God no. But I have been on interviews with convicts, and they asked for the cop to just stretch the interview out a bit longer, because it was the only place they didn't need to worry about shit.

You can read into that however you want. But either way it isn't pretty.


Well-Known Member
God no. But I have been on interviews with convicts, and they asked for the cop to just stretch the interview out a bit longer, because it was the only place they didn't need to worry about shit.

You can read into that however you want. But either way it isn't pretty.
Regardless of you grow it, smoke it or get it delievered, transporting it you take a chance period..some more willing then others some not so smart as others.. funny how you say they sniff out packages all the time but have yet to hear anyone I know who has shipped marijuana via post office , ups, fed ex get busted and they stink alot more then the clones will ever will..Not sure how you go about getting your smoke or what state you live in that they have that much time to sit at the delivery center just waiting on packages to ship out or ship in.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of you grow it, smoke it or get it delievered, transporting it you take a chance period..some more willing then others some not so smart as others.. funny how you say they sniff out packages all the time but have yet to hear anyone I know who has shipped marijuana via post office , ups, fed ex get busted and they stink alot more then the clones will ever will..Not sure how you go about getting your smoke or what state you live in that they have that much time to sit at the delivery center just waiting on packages to ship out or ship in.
Like I said, it varies from state to state and area to area. But you can't say that the idea of drug dogs stopping by USPS, UPS, FedEx and the like are out of the question.

And it isn't like the cops are waiting around, sitting at the post office waiting for packages to arrive. But, they have drug dogs, and usually nothing to do with them. The police department here went by every morning at 8 am, and had the dog sniff out the packages just before they put them on the trucks to have them delivered. Total time in the UPS store was like 15 min.

Generally speaking, I've done some pretty dumb shit, and I'll admit it. But I got lucky. Since then I've tried to take a step back and look at what I'm doing, and ask my self if it's a dumb idea.

In this case, if I got busted for growing, I'd look into why I got busted. If it's because a fire broke out at my house and the fire department saw my cab which led to my conviction, or some other random occurrence, I would chock it up to a freak happening. I really didn't do anything to increase my chances of getting caught, it just happened.

If, on the other hand, I ordered some clones online which led to an investigation and a conviction, that would be viewed in hindsight as a very dumb security risk. So if it's dumb to me in hindsight, why would it not be dumb to me in foresight?

Your conclusions may be different. Just make sure that before you do this you actually know the risks, calculated the probabilities of getting caught as a result, and can look at it with hindsight and still be able to say it was a good idea. If you can do all of those and still say it's worth it to order these clones, have at it. But if instead you just WANT these plants, WANT these genetics with such a strong gut feeling of desire that it blinds your ability to see the danger associated with it, then maybe that's part of your answer.

I'll stop harping on this point though. I'm sorry to those who had to sit through it, just trying to stress an un-stressed point of view.

There. I dropped it.


Well-Known Member
if u live in cali it dosnt mean you have connects for clones because its hard to get them here 2......because not everyone has the clones they say they have and they might be lieing


Well-Known Member
Wow, I just think SpecialK likes to hear his own voice as he's typing the longest post's i've ever seen!! give it a rest man, we get it..


Well-Known Member
Wow, I just think SpecialK likes to hear his own voice as he's typing the longest post's i've ever seen!! give it a rest man, we get it..and my buddies that ship weed via fedex vac seal that shit multiple times, dogs cannot smell it at that point...i like Ray Liotta's quote from Goodfellas, "You only get caught if you want too". Dumbasses get caught! I run a very safe operation and have never even had a run in with the law


Well-Known Member
na man he's (special k ) obviously just trying to help out ppl by posting his opinions and warnings..I think hes right.. But some ppl just dont give a damn and no matter what anyone says there just gonna do w/e they want and dont want to hear anything or anyone that thinks other than the way they are thinking.
bro, i can understand trying to help people, post what you gotta say one time, but he just kept saying the same shit over and over!! real fucking annoying!


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt have a flashy site either if i were them.. and accepting creditcards online is really a pain in the ass and takes paperwork...isnt there some spore place everyone on here used that only takes monye orders and cash!? its ACTUALLY probly safer then seeds seeing as its coming from INSIDE the US...pretty smart idea, so the fuck what if its 300% markup!? if its legit he just did something NO ONES done... thats the point, and a lot cheaper then it would cost me to drive to cali to pick up pot plants. and saves you the time, space, work, frustration so u dont have to grow males....
hope it comes through man!


Well-Known Member
For all you believers and non believers my clones have arrived safely. I was told they were shipped out monday and received them today. Fast Shipping. I won't go into specifics on the package they came in as they want to keep this information as quiet as possible. Inside the box they were packaged nicely under packing material..Inside a plastic bag with newspaper wrapped gently around the clones which were pre rooted in a rooter plug. I transplanted them into 1/2 gallon containers with foxfarms ocean forest soil, I did add extra perlite which I always do and then water plants with a drop of superthrive in the water. Plants Look heatlhy and happy as with their daddy..hehehe I will order again from them..Everything went very smoothly..less then 7 days from the time they recieved my order.:bigjoint: I will be starting a grow journel with the plants so everyone can enjoy the process with me. Thanks for all your info good or bad... thats what forums are for..We all have our opinions just some more opinionated then others thats what makes this fun..Thanks gain for those who followed the process with me!! Enjoy
This was the Strawberry Cough

Ps.:bigjoint: Noitce the paper, we don't have any spanish in our newspaper. lol:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
WOW bro!!! i'm sooo glad they made it to you safely...and i really hope they are grow healthy and strong...good luck
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