cloning again + rep

So I've tryed many times now at least ten times. And this shit been stressing me out because i keep takin cutting and yes my plant keeps getting bushy and bushy but I want to explain my graden.

I basicaly take the cutting 45deg angle, and put in root starter.

I have a air stone so a bubbler.

I went to my local hydroponic store and the guy told me to put some root starter in the water.

This is basical step by step

It under a see threw rubermaid contairer.
I have a 400 watt temp from 73-75 humity 20-30% in grow room.

I know there is tons of threads about cloning but im sick of reading and getting advice but not while what i need please help

this is my cloning setup

with four baskets with the cuttings in side.\\



Well-Known Member
I've been cloning for 3 or 4 months now so I'll tell you what I've been doing, and I've had a good ammount of success.

First of all, I have a black container. You shouldn't have light inside the container. If light hits roots, they will die. So if you're using plugs or anything like that, make sure they don't have light leaking around the edges. You want it to be COMPLETELY dark in the resivoir.

Second of all, I cut on 45 degree angle, just like you, then immediately dip in root gel.

From there I put them in the bubbler, with the stems about 1 inch away from water with air stone inside. LOTS OF BUBBLES if you can. I have two 6'' air stones in each 3 gal bucket. I also put 1/2 strength nutrients into the water as well as some Superthrive. Make sure you PH the water @ 5.5 - 6 (5.8 has been working for me). Make sure you water level doesn't get too low, and check your ph every day for the first week or so to make sure it isn't going too high or low. Give 'em about 7-14 days to grow roots, then transplant.

I also scrape the sides of the bottom of my cuttings as well as the 45 cut, it seems to help them develop roots faster.

Good luck & happy cloning!


Active Member
This is what I use
Get clonex (its only thing I know and have ever used,its a rooting gel),
get stonewool,rockwool or root riot cubes,cut 45 degree and straight in to the clonex,if you can,scrape the stem and then cut 45 degree or cut 45degree and scrape quick and straight in to gel and half way in to the cube (as tight as you can) pre fill plug with clonex and squeeze cube around stem if you have to,tighter fit the better..
Dont bother with bubbler and all that,no light nothing,room temp on windowsill with normal daylight is what you want.maintain 60-70f 15-25c at the worst,try for in between but never under or over!
dont water from top,simply leave 2-3mm deep water at bottom of tray,let it dry out but make sure you dont let your cube dry out!,no nutes,nothing just water.
Then just check every day,top up water (not from top),mist leaves if you like as regular as you like but let them dry before re misting,let cubes dry a little too but not fully,must get water on finger when pressed.
Let water in tray dry up but use more when your away for a while so they dont starve(not good but better the dry and dead).
ph of 6.0 should be fine.if they look dead dont wory,there consentrating on roots,once they have roots they will lift and come alive.

You either cooking em,wrong cubes, ph (check ph),in consistent heat,over watering,giving to much nutes or loving em to death.
Even with most them mistakes you should get 2-3 survivors out of 10.
dont move at all after you have put in cube,move once you see roots,pack the cube with clonex too (were youl put the clone in).

Once you get it youl get it m8
You should just leave em alone.
There dead when they fold over and dry up,till then dont worry,ive had clones take 3-4 week.
you owe me 20 reps lo took me a good 15-20 min to help you there lol
I only have room for four cutting at once. I spry under the leafs. I use super thrive and some root gel right now. Its werid I have blue berry and it grows like hell. But then my sour kush takes for every and I've yet to sell masive improvement like my blueberry


Active Member
You may have them under too much light, how close are they to the 400watt light? Generally they will do fine with about 1000 - 2000 lumens, a cfl or fluorescent tube works great.


Well-Known Member
What's the water temperature? I go 100% with clones using rockwool, a humidity dome, and a heater pad. Keeping the roots warmer than the canopy seems to be the trick. Also, making a small slice 1/2" or so up the stalk really boosts root growth.

Hope that helps. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
What's the water temperature? I go 100% with clones using rockwool, a humidity dome, and a heater pad. Keeping the roots warmer than the canopy seems to be the trick. Also, making a small slice 1/2" or so up the stalk really boosts root growth.

Hope that helps. Good luck.
yes, water temp is the key for fast root devolopment and the thing I use is an adjustable fish tank heater set between 80and 85 degrees

roots should pop in a 4-8 days

Only use tapwater until roots start to grow.

Like stated above cfls only


Well-Known Member
from your original post i couldnt actually see what in particular it was you wanted help with?

If your using a bubble cloner and still having issues make sure the tip of the cutting is about 2cm above the water level, important that they are out of the water and get splashed by the bubbles and not submerged in the water.


Active Member
Hey lilappelle,

Simplicity is the key......Black prop tray and 50 ct. insert tray.....clear dome....some kind of starter plugs....Rootech cloning gel works best for me.and a 2 ft T5 sitting on the dome.....Presoak cubes in r/o water....Cut clones, dip them in gel...and I like to pack some gel in the root cube hole as well....Mist immediately....mist the dome too....Put just enough water to fill the gullies of the prop tray and keep it that way...You don't want the cubes touching the water but just above.....After this process I never mist the plants again as this can cause rot at the stem base.....As long as you spray the dome once a day it will stay moist enough inside...Check the water in the tray daily to make sure it doesn't dry out but never put to much water in there.....In about 7-10 days you will see the first roots starting to pop...This is when I add just a few drops of Roots Excel (or any root stimulant that has beneficial bacteria) to the water....Within a couple more days they will all be exploding......This method gives me 100% nearly every time....I have to give some away from time to time