Cloning Auto Stains


Well-Known Member
It works. Iv done it. Itll veg and follow photoperiod.

Iv done it to plants while thy were flowering as well. The flower died back and vegetative growth replaced it. I used critical auto moat recently with success. And this morning i took a cutting from a humboldt sour diesel from it's lowest branch. The plant is almost ready to harvest otherwise. I cut the flower on the branch.

Give it a shot. Dont worry about the naysayers. They may not have tried it. And if they did, idk what to say.


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Well-Known Member
It works. Iv done it. Itll veg and follow photoperiod.

Iv done it to plants while thy were flowering as well. The flower died back and vegetative growth replaced it. I used critical auto moat recently with success. And this morning i took a cutting from a humboldt sour diesel from it's lowest branch. The plant is almost ready to harvest otherwise. I cut the flower on the branch.

Give it a shot. Dont worry about the naysayers. They may not have tried it. And if they did, idk what to say.
ive done it a few times from broken branches sometimes they root.. others never do ..... but never had them "jump" back into veg they always stall a couple weeks then jump into flower for me


Well-Known Member
Idk what to say haha, it seems like some people are very animately against it, like it banged their mom and never called again. I have gotten to top mine and everything. Still runty but that was my own fault from light flip. Next time you grow a critical auto try geting a low branch to root under 18/6. If it flowers, just slice them off. Worth while experiment since it may be sensitive to the strain's vigor. Im not wasting any bud weight or grow room so idc