Cloning box recommendations?

Thanks. I may give that a go if the one I ordered off amazon gives me problems.

I just grabbed this from Amazon....have not used it yet though. Should be here Monday.

Tray/sponge/dome works well, just a lot more work than needed IMO. Misting, temp, humidity, sponge moist......
With the aero, just plug it in, cut's straight from plant to cloner, go away & don't F with for 10 - 14 days...roots
Nursery tray, dome, small pots filled with coco. Takes up very little space. You don't even need a tray or dome and can just stick the clones in the corner out of direct light until they root. I made a 24 site aero cloner out of an 18 gallon tote. It worked but no better than coco. If I was still doing flood and drain in hydroton then I would still probably use the aero cloner but when all you need is a couple clones I've found it's easier and less hassle to just clone in small pots of coco. I've been getting 100% success with roots in 7 - 10 days the last 7 - 8 times I've cloned.


I know, I know, all cloning takes is a cup of water...

I will be the first to admit that I am an utter failure when it comes to cloning. I’ve tried taking cuttings, cutting the stem 45°, abrading the bottom of the stem, and using root hormone powder so many times and I just cannot get the damn things to root.

I’m at the point where I think I’m just not doing a good enough job keeping light out of the water, because the stems always have algae on them after about a week, so I think it’s time to purchase a setup that is built to work well because it seems like it wouldnt cost me much less to DIY one.

I only have 4 plants in flower at a time indoors, so I really only need a small cloner that will cover that and maybe some for friends (maybe 8-12 cuttings?).

I’d appreciate it if those of you who use them could give me some recommendations. If you’ve tried some that were garbage then please let me know about those too!

I've used a Clone King 25 site aero cloner for several years (5+). I rarely ever have had a clone fail on me. One out of a hundred maybe.

I literally just fill it up, plug it in, let the res come to temperature for a few hours, and drop clones in it. I keep the res temp at 78F (I use a 50W fish tank heater for this), and keep the tent the cloner is in at about 68-74F (ambient air slightly cooler than res temp). I have a single 43W CFL in the clone tent to maintain temp, and for a bit of light. I hang the light below the rim of the cloner so the light isn't directly hitting the clones.

Takes usually 9-12 days, up to 14 before I plant the clones, which have a pretty extensive root system by then.
They were out of the 25 site so I ordered the 35 site. The 25 site seems like it is probably better suited for people moving the clones to a hydro setup anyways, is that correct? I can't see myself wanting to deal with those net cups.
They were out of the 25 site so I ordered the 35 site. The 25 site seems like it is probably better suited for people moving the clones to a hydro setup anyways, is that correct? I can't see myself wanting to deal with those net cups.
I bought mine 5+ yrs ago, didn't come with net pots, unneeded IMO.
I found even the 25 site lid a bit crowded, that's why I DIY'd a lid out of a black plastic cutting board, also I like the 2" puks better.
Good unit regardless, good luck.
I bought mine 5+ yrs ago, didn't come with net pots, unneeded IMO.
I found even the 25 site lid a bit crowded, that's why I DIY'd a lid out of a black plastic cutting board, also I like the 2" puks better.
Good unit regardless, good luck.
Yeah, I have a feeling I will DIY a lid for larger pucks, eventually. There's no way I'll use most of those clone sites.
I know, I know, all cloning takes is a cup of water...

I will be the first to admit that I am an utter failure when it comes to cloning. I’ve tried taking cuttings, cutting the stem 45°, abrading the bottom of the stem, and using root hormone powder so many times and I just cannot get the damn things to root.

I’m at the point where I think I’m just not doing a good enough job keeping light out of the water, because the stems always have algae on them after about a week, so I think it’s time to purchase a setup that is built to work well because it seems like it wouldnt cost me much less to DIY one.

I only have 4 plants in flower at a time indoors, so I really only need a small cloner that will cover that and maybe some for friends (maybe 8-12 cuttings?).

I’d appreciate it if those of you who use them could give me some recommendations. If you’ve tried some that were garbage then please let me know about those too!
Ezclone looks like the best one from what I've seen