Cloning ChemDawg

tree king

Well-Known Member
you guys werent lyin about how hard chem is to clone. just got my hands on the d and its takin 2 weeks to see roots. my other strains take 5 days. it kinda sucks but it is what it is i guess


Well-Known Member
shit I have had the D take 5 -6 weeks to root in rapid the ez usually 3-4 weeks the key is proper temp.... I found out that when my dome is 78*F that the D roots in 3 weeks in RR...winter time the D doesnt like to root

tree king

Well-Known Member
shit I have had the D take 5 -6 weeks to root in rapid the ez usually 3-4 weeks the key is proper temp.... I found out that when my dome is 78*F that the D roots in 3 weeks in RR...winter time the D doesnt like to root
thats good info colo thanks.


sorry if im replying a little to late but did you know that rooting hormones come in deferent strengths sometimes if a clone wont root you need to buy a cloning gel or powder for woody plants because the hormones are at a higher strength in these .. a quick trip you home depot you would be in business..
air layering will allow u to take huge CLONES.. I do this with plants that don't easily root.. ud be surprised.. u can have amazing GREEN fat plants in 14-21 days.. with a nice root system.. and no problems great idea wristy..