Cloning deformed growth


I had a nutrients issue a while back which created some deformed growth on my plants. I have since corrected the issue and seem to be getting normal growth now, however, its time to take clones and I've run out of good growth to use for the clones. My question is, if I use some of the deformed growth as the basis of a clone, will it still root, and will the new growth be normal (so long as the nute issue is resolved)?
If the deformed growth is by now growing out normally, I think you should be fine. It really doesn't sound like you have much choice...
If it won't work, I will have to wait longer for more new growth. I just don't want to waste my time and/or materials on it if its not gonna work. I want to cut all of the deformed growth off so my mothers look normal again and if I can get some clones out the process its worth the effort to me. Just want to be sure it will grow healthy looking and not continue the deformed growing.
as long as it buds normal, I wouldn't really care about deformed growth. But you new growth should come out normal