cloning from harvested plant


Active Member
i have a plant about 15 days into flowering and its clearly a bitch and its starting to bud up and get hairy lol.. but my question is after i harvest the buds in a month or so can i clip some of the leftover nodes and place them into my grodan cubes with root stim. and clone them? i want to clone a few nodes and put them into my hydro station but would that be ok after i harvest and just put them on 24/0 after i cut the buds?.. hope that makes sense im high lol


Well-Known Member
lol people have taking clones from a flowering plant my friend did it just takes longerto get them to veg again keep on 24 and hope but u would be better off takjing the clones right now and re veg them the sooner the better


Well-Known Member
i have a plant about 15 days into flowering and its clearly a bitch and its starting to bud up and get hairy lol.. but my question is after i harvest the buds in a month or so can i clip some of the leftover nodes and place them into my grodan cubes with root stim. and clone them? i want to clone a few nodes and put them into my hydro station but would that be ok after i harvest and just put them on 24/0 after i cut the buds?.. hope that makes sense im high lol
in addition to buba's idea..... a stock reveg would work better than clones taken at harvest. a harvested plant can begin to reveg (provided the stock of the plant is maintained, and cared for) in only two weeks, whereas a clone from a two week flowering plant clone can take up to 8 weeks to provide a single cutting...

the stocks i have reveged offered clones in only four weeks. this is a better turnaround than any reveg clone i've taken. clones taken under 10 days in flower will generally grow with no problems, without going through a reveg.


Well-Known Member
ok that wont bother the buds growing now? how many leaves should be on each clone when i go to clip it of the plant?
it will hinder yield, but low branches dont' yield much anyway; take a cutting as normal, and clean at least one node at the cut end to root from. cut away all flowers you can, leaving the leaves. the clone will root fast if you've been feeding flower nutes (p=roots), but will grow funky for a month or so as it goes through the reveg process. cutting from low branches does not impair growth of higher limbs, as cannabis is apically dominant (tops grow more than bottoms).

btw to arguers.... i do know that auxins (which cause stretch, not true growth pertaining to new nodes) will make low branches grow fast. stretch is not actual growth ;). cannabis IS apically dominant.


Active Member
so your saying i should cut a lower budding branch off and place it in my rockwool cubes with takeroot? should i cut the bud off and begin 24/0 again on the cutting? any particular place to cut? thanks for the help everyone


Active Member
awesome thanks alot! you know of anything i could soak the cubes in instead of rootstim? like maybe something around the house..