Cloning Help Please

Hey guys,

Newbie here.

Long story short. I got some seeds from a friend. I planted 6, all 6 sprouted. They have been doing pretty well. I started the 12/12 2 weeks ago and 5 of the 6 were males. :-(

So since so many were males I am cloning my female.

I read many online guides and everything so I could get the hang of it, but they are looking strange to me.

I took them from the right places with the 2 nodes. Cut off the bottoms. 45* angle. Cut the stems upward in half. Scraped the bottom skins off. Rooting powder. Jiffy cubes. I am constantly spraying the top of them and keeping the cubes moist. I have 1 6500K 23W Floro on it about 6 to 8 inches away with reflector hood. Currently on 24 hours a day.

The PH of the water was a little high to my knowledge. Around a 7.0. I should of known better but the water I made 6.25 the other day sat for a tad and gained some PH back I guess.

Here is the mother plant. "Cherry Bubbah"

This is the cut points.

These are the clones as of today. I cut them 48 hours ago.

The 2 in the jiffy box have no cover on them since they are too tall and the cover wont fit. The one in the foldgers coffee container has a cover on it.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
all i can say is powder sucks. gel or liquid rocks. but just be patient, maybe cut the fan leaves in half. helps to lower transpiration.


Active Member
I leave all the foliage on when cloning, I have never cloned from a plant that young... It is suggested to clone from a plant that is 8 weeks or older.. That may be a problem. Id say just cross your fingers and keep misting them bitches. respirate them after 5 or 6 days just open the dome holes or punch holes. Some people also say using scissors pinches it as well, I use a razor. I was too impatient to clone that way so i bought a EZ Clone machine. B Vitamins really aid in root growth as well. And yeah ive never used powder, Gel is by far the best in my experience!

jack ripa

Active Member
I don't even use rooting hormone anymore. I just get seedling traylets, seedling soil and put em in dixies with saran wrap rubber banded around them. As soon as I see yellow I poke a few holes, I have roots in 5 to 7 days on most strains. No misting, no worries.


Well-Known Member
Clones like heat, "CFL" lights don't give off much, I would use a heat mat or set the clones on a warm surface, top of a fridge or warmer ! I think you will see they will do better.

Also I don't give much light to start with, this lets the clones use energy to root rather then grow.... just how I do it, but I have pretty good success. hope this helps
Hey guys,

Thanks for the info! I went ahead and put them ontop of the fridge, its pretty warm up there. I will keep this updated! About how long do you guys think till roots usually start to show?


Well-Known Member
This is an easy way to do some cuts.First a healthy plant in veg with some good branching,side and top views.
I use an old cutting board,a rusty razor,sharp fine pointed scissors and roottech gel.
You don't need any hormones at all to take cuts successfully but it speeds up the process and the plants are less beat up by the time they root.
How the branch looks removed with nodes attached and stripped off,I just pinch them off be careful not to kink the stem.......kinking is bad.
Stick in gel let sit for 30 seconds or so.
In this case I'm using peat pellets but it'll work in just about anything that will keep the cut from drying out while it's rooting.
Soak the pellets overnight or they'll suck the moisture outta the cuts with bad results.
Poke hole in pellet,stick cut all the way down again careful not to kink the stem.
Form pellet around stem,gently.......then dunk in water to replace what ya squeezed out by forming then put in a dome.I'm using a cake box,they come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes plus ya getta cake.......fucking A.
In this case they're about 12"s under a 42 watt cfl,just leave'em alone they don't like being messed with.
Roots take anywhere from 5 to 15 days depending on plant and temp,I will take some pics and explain how I quick harden them off and pot'em when these root.
Now the donor plant provided 6 cuts and has 4 main branches,ready to be up-potted and flowered tomorrow.
Attached Thumbnails



Well-Known Member
Leave it on and cover the pellet then keep watered as they have yet to have enough roots to store any extra.
Quick question with the clones. They all ended up rooting and all got put into the regular soil pots. They are doing great and growing strong. I have had them on a 24/0 cycle since I cut them off the main cherry.

I took a close look at them today and all 3 of them have sexed with the 2 V shape white hairs in multiple places. Should I just go ahead and put them under a bloom cycle 12/12 or just continue with the 24/0? All of them are still kinda small, around 8 to 10 inches.