Cloning Help Pt 2

Justin Ward

New Member
Yeah.... Im back.. OK its about cloning ok lets follow along. Its Been cut, It Grown Roots I transplanted,Few Weeks It Grown leafs can i feed it nutrients now? and can i feed it any nutrients i desire?? I Was thinking... Can i use Fox Farm,GH Nutes,Blue Planet Nutrients???
you can use any NUTES your heart desires, just don't use them all together, and use at about 1/2 or 1/4 recommend strength for a newly rooted clone, Also if your using soil you might not even need to feed in till you see some light green or yellow
Alright that help And How to i use 1/2 strength like if it say use 5ml i use 2.5. And When i transplant a clone u know what day is it or week?
Ok Once i transplanted The Soil have Nutes So i give it few weeks than nutes but 1 thing What Week am on ??/
Hold the phone. Your planting in soil or soiless?! In soil dont feed anything. In soiless feed at about 1/8th strength. Whoever told you to feed at half strength doesnt have a clue, soiless or hydro with half strength will wind your plants up in the trash can real quick.
Yeah.... Im back.. OK its about cloning ok lets follow along. Its Been cut, It Grown Roots I transplanted,Few Weeks It Grown leafs can i feed it nutrients now? and can i feed it any nutrients i desire?? I Was thinking... Can i use Fox Farm,GH Nutes,Blue Planet Nutrients???

the gh flora series...grow,micro,bloom
follow the chart on the bottle.
you need an eye dropper to measure the dose as you fill your shot glass.
blue lab pens...ppm and ph needed here
check the ppm of your tap water.
the gh flora series...grow,micro,bloom
follow the chart on the bottle.
you need an eye dropper to measure the dose as you fill your shot glass.
blue lab pens...ppm and ph needed here
check the ppm of your tap water.
OK Yeah but onces i transplanted the clone in soil i wanna know what week am i on>>>
Hold the phone. Your planting in soil or soiless?! In soil dont feed anything. In soiless feed at about 1/8th strength. Whoever told you to feed at half strength doesnt have a clue, soiless or hydro with half strength will wind your plants up in the trash can real quick.
Im planting with soil the thing i want to know is when i transplanted the clone i wanna know what week i am on?? so i can follow the feeding chart!!
Hold the phone. Your planting in soil or soiless?! In soil dont feed anything. In soiless feed at about 1/8th strength. Whoever told you to feed at half strength doesnt have a clue, soiless or hydro with half strength will wind your plants up in the trash can real quick.

I have no idea what nutes you are using but 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 strength, or full fucking strength, If you know what you are doing you wouldn't fuck them up, I've given plants in flower a lower dosage of the lucas formula with the ending ppm being like 440ppm, my plants didn't even yellow or come close to dying so I don't know where your getting your info.

Im planting with soil the thing i want to know is when i transplanted the clone i wanna know what week i am on?? so i can follow the feeding chart!!

Dude don't stress about what week it is, I would say its about 2-3 weeks if it's a good rooted plant, an If its in soil you can just give it water in till you see your plant start to look a bit yellow I would say you might be good for at least like 2-3 weeks away from actually having to feed nutes!
I can't say what is correct, but when I clone I start counting its life when I see roots, usually a week or two after cutting. So if I took it from the cloner and put it in its pot 2 weeks ago, it's 2 weeks old to me. Hope this helps...
I have no idea what nutes you are using but 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 strength, or full fucking strength, If you know what you are doing you wouldn't fuck them up, I've given plants in flower a lower dosage of the lucas formula with the ending ppm being like 440ppm, my plants didn't even yellow or come close to dying so I don't know where your getting your info!
i use canna nutes, botanicare nutes, and humbolt nutes. At half strength theyre all at about 500 ppm. If you feed a rooted clone 500 ppm your going to kill it. At full strength were talking 1000 ppm, now thatll curl the leaves on my five foot plants so what the fuck do ya think itll do to a newly rooted cutting. Do know what the hell your saying or are you just flappin at the gums?

To the OP, feed your newly rooted clones like i said previously, 1/8 or about 250 ppm of whatever kind of fertilizer ya want and theyll be fine. Dont listen to burntplantkillahhh or youll kill em all.
Im planting with soil the thing i want to know is when i transplanted the clone i wanna know what week i am on?? so i can follow the feeding chart!!
When you transplant your on week one. And if your planting into an organic potting soil dont feed anything. Like zero. Foxfarm ocean forest, happy frog, roots, any of those feed nothing for two weeks, and then start adding a tiny bit of food.

Soiless like coco, sunshine4, or promix, start with the food right away. 250 ppm.
I don't know if I have some real good rooted clones or what but I give my clones about 740-800ppm thru the lucas formula, and I've never had any issues but I'm in straight Hydroton on a DIY flood table, an I only been doing that since I first started cloning about 1-1/2yrs ago An I promise you I've never burned Not one of my clones this way, with some strains the shit turns a runt of clone to a future mother plant So IDK maybe I've had luck, But what we both agree on is Don't Feed right away in SOIL!