cloning ... help


Okay i have 34 clones and ive been waiting 4 them to grow roots 4 18 days now... i poped 1 open a little and i see some sort of roots trying to grow out.. they are in a doom they have good lighting but no roots yet im dealing with Master K , Wonder women and some sort of Blue berry.. i just got me a heating pad a few days ago what should i do im try to post some pic ... thx in advance :wall:


Well-Known Member
I don't see how they could possibly "not" have roots and be 18 days old. If they're green and kicking, no need to check for the roots. :peace:


Well-Known Member
One more thing--forget the heating pad. Unless it's super cold, it's completely unnecessary. My clones have been sitting in 58 to 60 degrees and they are healthy as healthy can possibly be...and they are under no dome either.


Babs34 i dont understand myself im thinking its the cold thats slowing them down ive down clones before and have had succes but this 1 got me worried ... they are green yes the are like i said were i stay now its cold im not use to the cold so that made me buy a heating pad to put under them... im just worried this is all my eggs dont want to start over


Well-Known Member
I don't see how they could possibly "not" have roots and be 18 days old. If they're green and kicking, no need to check for the roots. :peace:
true dat!! r u in soil?? usin plugs? hydro/aero?!! r u mistin the dome daily? giv us sum more info to work with?


ok so im take the heating pad away .... and when i dont cover them it looks like the leaves drops down and they start to drop when i put the cover back on the stand up ...smh


Well-Known Member
has it been constantly cold for these pas 18 days? what temp? high/low..........are you jus water or with nutes?


i moved them to a warmer place and know it was not cold all 18 days ive only used water to mist them and i did it once i dont understand


Well-Known Member
ok! you mist the dome for sure and the plants also UNLESS you are runnin HID's the HID's will use the water and burn your plants..kinda like sun/magnifier/ants...also you need sum b-1 or a rooting clone nute with your foliar spray!! and 3 IN. rockwool with 18 days you most likely wont see roots!! 1 1/2 in cubes yes you would start and definatly see them but 3" is alot more so b patient!!


ok! you mist the dome for sure and the plants also UNLESS you are runnin HID's the HID's will use the water and burn your plants..kinda like sun/magnifier/ants...also you need sum b-1 or a rooting clone nute with your foliar spray!! and 3 IN. rockwool with 18 days you most likely wont see roots!! 1 1/2 in cubes yes you would start and definatly see them but 3" is alot more so b patient!!
O ok well i mist the them and it fogs up like that and im using fluorescent lights so i craked it a little... like i said i cracked 1 of them open and i see roots starting to come a little but 18 days im like in shock right now ... so your saying i should get some b-1 or rooting clone nute to foliar spary them with.. right


Well-Known Member
you usually mix it with the water in the foliar spray!! and the foggn up is a good thing! the girls dont need much oxygen cause there so small ..they NEED to retain the water for their roots to grow! shake the shit out of your foliar spray right before you mist them and that will oxygenate the spray!!


you usually mix it with the water in the foliar spray!! and the foggn up is a good thing! the girls dont need much oxygen cause there so small ..they NEED to retain the water for their roots to grow! shake the shit out of your foliar spray right before you mist them and that will oxygenate the spray!!
awww man thank you so much i was begaining to panic was worry like a mother im go pick some up tomorrow they should have it at my supple shop... o should i mix any nuts with the b-1 or the rooting clonning nut


New Member

anyone who wants to tell you not to make it warm or not to use a dome is an idiot who is bragging about doing it the wrong way and getting lucky...

this isnt a macho man contest to see who can clone in the worst conditions...

put the heating pad back under the damn things

put the dome back on them

if your dome is ever dry, spray it.

if its foggy, or wet, you are fine.

Spray the plugs or whatever the cuttings are in, just one or 2 squirts per day.

Spray the dome as many times necessary during the day to keep it moist or foggy

I root under 4 t5 lights, and i have the light right on top of the top of the dome... they like light... not 100w, but they like lots of soft light.

80 deg is ideal.

And as far as credentials go, ive been told that im the only guy who has cloned TOPS OF PLANTS ... THAT ARE IN BLOOM... on this forum...

so if that doesnt tell you something, i dont know what will.

Theres nothing i cant make grow roots... ive made stems without leaves grow roots... it died... but it still grew roots.

Hope this helps

Now... here is the process to doing this...


Well-Known Member
no prob man...they look pretty good so i'd said your in the clear!! jus talk to them and tell'em how they're gettin to be big girls and how big they're gettin!! LOL


New Member
did you use rooting gel? if so, have you kept it refrigerated prior to using it?

If your cuttings indeed do NOT have roots... you can always pull them out, dip them in rooting gel, and put them back in.

THis is the technique i used to get tops to grow roots

Hormones and light and moisture... are the keys here.


did you use rooting gel? if so, have you kept it refrigerated prior to using it?

If your cuttings indeed do NOT have roots... you can always pull them out, dip them in rooting gel, and put them back in.

THis is the technique i used to get tops to grow roots

Hormones and light and moisture... are the keys here.
yes i used rooting jell i cut them right ... im just shocked that they didnt root yet ... i havent use my green fingers in about 4 years but dammm i know i still got it... the moms were hella nice