Cloning in DWC


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I was wondering if it is possible to clone in rockwool in a DWC system with out a humid dome?

no you cant, the rockwool will be to wet. you can do dwc with a raft type system with the stem suspended about 1/8th of an inch. in the solution. then you will not need a dome. but rockwool + dwc is not good.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
referral: that hit
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i dont use a dome
but i do mist from time to time
i dont use rooting hormone powder or jail or ph'd water
95% root rate

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you should not give a clone any nutes untell its has a good root system
and yes you can take a clone and put it right into the dwc system and leave it there untell its time to harvest it
put it in with the stem at least 1 inch below the water
in about 1 to 2wks you will have roots
then in about 2wks from there introduce a very light nute mix (the plant will let you know when to add or incress nutes)
with dwc or any hydro system i suggest you get a understanding on handling and maintaining "ph levels"
get a digital ph and ppm meter

you could put all the nutes you want in your system but if the ph is off
the plants will not eat


Active Member
I would use a bubble cloner but the water would evap to fast.

I have 3 plants growing in DWC that i put in rockwool and put 1ml of B-1 Thrive in the water. just just water cloner won't work for me. The way I was thinking of doing it is taking a clone dipping it in cloning gel, place in rockwool then into the DWC system.

Wy the way thoes air sticks relay suck. I use a single little green air stone thing and it puts off more bubbles then the blue sticks do. The Air pump I am using is rated to be used in 30 to 60 gallons

I bought a PH pen to and I tested it and well the PH doesn't realy change it stays around 7.0. I have 3 of them in a net pot because i just wanted to see how hard it would be to grow and the guy at the local hydro store said that I can just just plane solid plant food that is for veg and flowering in a hydro system and it works awsome. I only have a single 45w CFL for the 3 plants and I have leaves almost as big as my hand.

Oh yea my question is can I use latex paint to cover the out side of the container to help light getting into it?