Cloning in flower


Well-Known Member
I took these cuts 3 weeks into flower they rooted in 13 days now they are starting to take off I am hoping for so called monsters I like the double stalk one the most any opinions? IMG_20201122_082843.jpgIMG_20201122_082823.jpgIMG_20201122_082756.jpg
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Well-Known Member
I monster cropped once before. I was impressed by how full the plant was vegetatively, but I wasn't too impressed by the buds. There were lots of them, but they were all fairly small.

Certainly worth trying, just for the experience.


Well-Known Member
Have monster cropped few times love it they go metal never taken clones in wk 2 of bloom usually much later guess that’s why they rooted in 13 days if you take clones say in wk 6 bloom they take longer to root and Chuck some funky leaves out for first few wks before going back to fan leaves ☮
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Well-Known Member
Not being a dick but if you took those cuttings at wk two of when you went to 12/12 it takes a wk of 12/12 to put plant into bloom mode but agree with above look nice ☮


Well-Known Member
Not being a dick but if you took those cuttings at wk two of when you went to 12/12 it takes a wk of 12/12 to put plant into bloom mode but agree with above look nice ☮
well lets just say they were in bloom not sure about dates they were showing white pistils for sure