Cloning issues... help please


Active Member
Hey everyone... Ok... so if some of you have read any of my posts or replies.. you will quickly learn that I am an engineering genius when it comes to designing and building things... but as far as the growing needs go... Im horrible. So, I need help.

Cloning has never been my forte... however I have done it many times somewhat successfully.... up until this time. I am about ready to pull my hair out!!!! (and Im bald... so think of what hair I might rip out) Thats how frustrated I am.

I built a cloner that works.... I have used it before.. and had great success with it. This time however, I am not getting ANYTHING and its already been a week. No signs of any roots forming or anything. Stems of the cuttings are becomming hollow.. meaning they are rotting... so, the ones that are left are doing ok... not wilting or anything yet but I have no idea why they wont root. Im WAYYYY behind on my schedule and need help in getting thes girls rooted. I am using RO water... phing it a 5.6 or so... have the clones under a mh light... but its far up and moving... so not consistantly on the clones... meaning.. its not drying them out. I had a dome on them for humidity for the first three days... and then took it off. I kept spraying them lightly with water to help the moisture. I am using power cloner in the res of the cloner and its under the reccomended dosage..
A little about the cuttings are they are clipped half way through the leaves... and have been angle cut under water to prevent any airbubbles in the stem. I also shaved the sides with a razor blade and on some of them split the ends. The cuttings are large enough for rooting... Ive even cloned smaller ones before. I have the cloner sprayers on a timer... 1 min on and 2.5 off. Plenty of spray on the stems. Basically... they are not rooting... and its not because of drying out...

What am I doing wrong... can anyone shed some light to me?



Active Member
You may be doing everything right, but the plant is doing everything wrong.

Have you noticed this across different genetics of plants? Or all the same strain?

The strain you might be trying to do this with could simply have terrible genetics, and thusly, terrible vigor.

Let us know!


Active Member
maybe a number of things. Re calibrate your PH pen, too much light from your MH.... I would say think about something you changed


Well-Known Member
put the dome back on...........get your res temp higher................raise your ph to 6.0 and mist the whenever you think of them.


Active Member
This is across three different strands of plants. I didn't change anything that I can think of...
I will try the calibration tonight to see if the pen is off... and then raise it to 6.0.

If anyone thinks of anything else... let me know.