Cloning Issues

Have trouble keeping my temp down in Veg. Gets to about 82-84 degrees. Is that too hot for clones? Also what is the minimum amount of light needed for clones. Been keeping clones n Flower just cuz it stays cooler. around 76 at the hottest. Thanks for any responses


Well-Known Member
no those temps are fine just have a fan on them and make sure they don't dry up on ya.......and if you put your clones in the flowering room they will start to flower once rooted and will be a biatch having to wait for them to revert


Well-Known Member
my clones just wilted in a U shape dame near I just cutted them today is that normal? Im stressing. humid 50-60% temp is 80deg


Well-Known Member
It is normal for them to wilt.....sometimes.......when you cut you want to make a 1 clean fast cut....with a sterile and preferably new clones used to wilt when i cut them with dull blades need a dome or something around them to hold in moisture.........near 100% humidity is vital the first couple days.........Your temps are fine but you need to get that humidity up....pronto or your clones will die very fast.........


New Member
last time i saw temps that high in a cloner, it cooked the clones. i generally keep temps in the 72-78 range myself. also, i dont use a "greenhouse" or "humidity dome", and i make my own cloning machines too (which are VERY easy to make by the way).

i put up a GREAT cloning tutorial on another site. if i can find it, ill post it up.


Well-Known Member
I have clones right now in a bout 85 degrees temps which is what my veg tent is at all the time except at the coldest time in winter.........successful clones all the cooked ones bro....and the dome is for traditional propagation.......i have 3 of those rubbermaid tote cloners you use as well with 360 degree sprayers in it.......with 2 inch pots......the only reason I dont use them is because of how much space they take up.....but they do work pretty damn good I would recommend making 'em as they are easy as hell to make and can be used for growing all the way not just for cloning......there is a tutorial on this site on how to make 'em search stinkbuds harvest a pound every 3 weeks.......


New Member
i guess it depends o what strains your cloning also.

i make the tote cloners, but also 3 gallon and 5 gallon bucket cloners.

is the temp inside your dome or the water in your cloner?
Inside my dome is about 84 degrees at the hottest. My humidity is about 55%. i havent been using a heating pad cuz i dont want the temp to go up anymore in the dome. Is there another way to raise the humidity level without using the heat pad.


Well-Known Member
I put a 2 inch layer of perlite...then add ph'd water to the perlite......that will increase your humidity


Well-Known Member
Dame mine are still in a U shape IDK what I did wrong, most of them are droopy I have 20 now it looks 10 I think I left to much leaves on them too thats why they droop. I have a hunid dome My air temps are 75-84f humid in the 60-70s I have root plugs also I dont water them I just put mist in there What to do


Well-Known Member
FUUUCCCCCCK! There seems like nothing is going on at all I took the cutting out of the root plug from a bad looking one nothing, then I took one out from a nice looking one, and nothing either What I'am doing wrong I have a heat pad & everything.


same problem here they are what 5 days old and no roots at alll... and the bottom leaves on mine have yellowed and died... i have 6 clones... they aren't drooping anymore though the tops look great... i pulled one out and it looks like it's trying to do something.. but haven't gotten around to it yet. hope they work i'm going to put the mothers in to 12/12 here tomorrow. Don't want to start from seed again!


Well-Known Member
You guys need to be takes me 5-16 days to get roots depending on strain....keep your humidity levels near 100% for the first couple days and mist frequently ThATS It.......I know how hard it is to not mess with them when you first start but the more you stress them the longer it takes them to get roots.......if they even make it that far.........hopefully some make it.......if not get a new batch and start again...


Well-Known Member
You guys need to be takes me 5-16 days to get roots depending on strain....keep your humidity levels near 100% for the first couple days and mist frequently ThATS It.......I know how hard it is to not mess with them when you first start but the more you stress them the longer it takes them to get roots.......if they even make it that far.........hopefully some make it.......if not get a new batch and start again...
Yeah your right, be patient. I just thought I was doing everything right so it should be doing something. hopefully soon or i'll just take more cuttings.


Well-Known Member
i use a bubbler .. usually it gives roots in a few weeks .. i took 3 cuttings yesterday and they wilted asap, i did nothing different than my others but these just seem to not wanna stand up. never had this problem before with it or the mother. i keep the temps at 76, i use tap water that i let sit for 2 days to evap the chlorine and then PH to 6 and add in a lil h2o2 and hormex.


Well-Known Member
Your almost never going to see roots in five days. Even with my aero unit at 5 days the white bumps that are the precursors to roots are just showing. The quickly explode though. Add some super thrive. Here is a pick of blue widow clones at day 9..



Well-Known Member
Your almost never going to see roots in five days. Even with my aero unit at 5 days the white bumps that are the precursors to roots are just showing. The quickly explode though. Add some super thrive. Here is a pick of blue widow clones at day 9..

View attachment 1430588
I have Olivias cloning and its been 2 weeks in my aero and I just started to get bumps on 1 out of 15 and none of them have bumps. What is your process for aero cloning I switch to that cuz I heard its faster then 14 days and its not.