daily water changes are unnecessary leave them alone in the propagator/dome for the most part
high humidity is all that is needed, an unheated propagator will work fine and is often the safer option
leave a small amount of water in the propagator, just enough to cover the surface of the bottom tray
this will ensure the propagator will keep high humidity all the time, you should see condensation/ water droplets
allover the propagator lid all the time
spay the cuttings with water when you first take them and put them in the dome
keep them in the dome with the slots closed for the first 3-4 days
after 3-4 days of vents closed, open the vents for a few hours each day repeat this process every day until they root
they only need spraying every 4 days or so the high humidity keeps them from wilting
i would replace the water in the bottom tray after 1 week
folk having issues with cloning it could be because they keep them too wet, keep spraying them constantly
or the humidity is too low because they keep opening the dome and fussing over them, changing water daily, lowering the humidity all the time
spraying them with food and or additives , all of this does not help, its best to leave them alone and wait, just be patient and let nature run is course
a heated propagator could help speed up the process a little bit, but its risks burning them/ drying them
heated propagators tend to have low quality thermostats on them, i would avoid them personally
they will root in winter in an unheated dome, the heat from a CFL is enough to warm up the dome
its hard to take cuttings wrong, i think most folk mess up on the looking after them but seem to take the cuttings ok
if cuttings survive the first few days without wilting or dying and a good rooting gel like clonex was used
then there was no problem with how they were taken
personally i like to take cuttings from shoots in the middle of the plant, they are firm not too woody and not too floppy
although if you take very skinny shoots as cuttings they do not survive the best but they will still root as will virtually any part of the plant
as long as the cutting has a firm stem and a little shoot emerging from it somewhere it will root