Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture
thanks to nitro ! for this one. It's almost the same ratios I use in vitro. i wish he showed this to me twenty yrs ago !!

You know how many times I've looked at that? I have it saved to my desktop and I never once looked at it close enough to notice the "Hong Kong University of science and technology" (I usually skip right to the body of it)...

was just thinkin....if I had a friend with gout, I might trade my medicine for his ? just sayin..

Do you mean colloidal silver?
For creating a polyploid?

Acros Organics - 227125000 - Colchicine 97% 500mg, Ea

Tell them you are a small self named business and you use your Social Security number as your EIN.
You are currently consulting as an independent/outside researcher and need to conduct control studies in house. In other words your physical address is now your business address (assuming you don't live in an apartment complex).

If that doesn't do it I think you can still incorporate on legal zoom for around $40.oo (this is how alot of "stuff" gets done).
Once you are incorporated I don't think the government can even deny you a permit if you otherwise meet the rules provided by the regulating body. Just outsource everything you cant provide in house, as we all know corporate responsibility boils down to "Well, it worked on paper".. This is a free country and we all technically can play by the same rules (assuming you are a property owner anyway)..

I found colchicine !

Guile- I was watching the whole dutch master thing with that product when it came out, shame on them. but know that all the big players have the same product line now, and many then also, without ingredients always listed. I hate those additives,(paclobuzatrol?? wtf) and required full disclosure from DM and got it. I even called them once on the phone, for hours these guys are genius in my book, and transparent, and apologetic about their shameful "first product" . I forgave them, and their line of cheap nutes are paid for monthly with one branch, of one plant, one time, monthly. very inexpensive to me, and the best I've ever used. they should actually give me gifts if they're reading this !! for the pr.
polyploidy's are very kind, I was privy some time ago. you are correct. its very successful in vitro, and even sold as such.
yep,, my bad everything adds up,,,,i got to learn my conversions!!!! I feel confident about the china -mans report too..just got to get there. i have that problem of seeing new things and thinkin i can reproduce the same effect...but as we all come to realize,,you end up with a KIT of some sort or u spend so much money u give up and then its money wasted...I know that i could sum this up with a little money spent in the right places,,BUT fuk it feels like im so close or like in my writings "STOP you wasted your money"!!! i dont have money to waste per say but these are the things i do with it to keep me alive,,so its all how you define WASTE..this aint that hard,,i know it. The cultures are doing well..maybe im just expecting to much...but clones dont just start growing from the time i cut them with in 24 hours,,so im doing well i hope. just no experience in this town,,no one to what about a o/1/1 hydro nut. additive,,will this have the similar effect towards our goal of auxins and things fast do ur grow on the average,,it seems like i might be able to split in the next 7-8 days....
I dont know anyting about a 0/1/1 hydro nute, but do know they need 100% of the nutrient requirements of a plant, just alot less of them. I am able to divide in the first week of callus production, or roots,for that matter. It willl take a month minimum to get to a herd of root balls ready to sprout. be patient. the china man is spot on
yep,, my bad everything adds up,,,,i got to learn my conversions!!!! I feel confident about the china -mans report too..just got to get there. i have that problem of seeing new things and thinkin i can reproduce the same effect...but as we all come to realize,,you end up with a KIT of some sort or u spend so much money u give up and then its money wasted...I know that i could sum this up with a little money spent in the right places,,BUT fuk it feels like im so close or like in my writings "STOP you wasted your money"!!! i dont have money to waste per say but these are the things i do with it to keep me alive,,so its all how you define WASTE..this aint that hard,,i know it. The cultures are doing well..maybe im just expecting to much...but clones dont just start growing from the time i cut them with in 24 hours,,so im doing well i hope. just no experience in this town,,no one to what about a o/1/1 hydro nut. additive,,will this have the similar effect towards our goal of auxins and things fast do ur grow on the average,,it seems like i might be able to split in the next 7-8 days....

Hey man, don't give up... its guys like you doing this stuff in real world/practical conditions that make it possible for the rest of us to follow... We are gaining insights from your experiences too.. When you become successful imagine how many people will follow... Lead the way :)
wanted--one special interested mature person with proven web abilities in design, marketing, and counting money. pm me with your state of residence.nitro,dude, this is your town, ask anything from any of us. I'm not hiding anything. the nutes dont have hormones in them, so your desired effect cannot be gained by nutes alone. get some auxins, 12 dollars online, diluted, my bottle lasted me 1.3 yrs ! and a few graduated plastic pipettes for a buck. this will save you tons of time and money, and will get you on the road fast. start with the right stuff first to prove your results, then work your way back on the cheap.
You want to know whats funny is that all the TC thread anywhere really never show the end result or the pic are of like a clone just put in a jar???never do u see the after..the best results ive seen is your pics,,thats tc 101 in progress..more pic!MORE PICS!!!it just looks cool/scientific,,love there growin,,,i took them down to there stalk,,i see growth on all but 2 but even they have LITTLE "things" starting to stick its a good black or fussy or moldy or contamination,,so thats far 100%. just got to be patient,,ur right...this is like cloning,just more delicate.Im not given up on nothin man....this just like anything ,,we're not talkin money,,the mor u put in the more comes out,,bottom line "EFFORT".
I got the new batch in the aquarium now its cool for sure..bought a shoe box sterilite tote..thoes will come in jared,toted,aquaiumed,alcoholed,,i think there safe like that to cool,,i let them sit,cooker/cold water for 15 min. that took all the heat off them.. GOT TO GO CULTURE>>tryin a ornamental house plat from a botanical garden..(AWARD WINNING)
I have better results when I let the pressure cooker cool down naturally on the stove top, sometimes over night, as opposed to cooling down quicker. my agar lasts much longer, less damage to containers/lids. I dont "can" the jars, meaning suck the sealing lid closed, they are loose until I open the pressure cooker, then tightened and taped for storage until used.
when you cool it down quick I believe the negative air pressure inside is quikly replaced with non sterile air sucking into the cooker, possible contamination too? I'm no gynecologist, so its just a guess here. but better results, are, ah better.


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Nice... u say u can tighten the lid and tape for later use? how much later? 1day 1hr? those pis didnt have any tape..why?those jar lids are the thread type im looking for..ddduuuu hence the name, BABY FOOD JAR LIDS.
So i was on the web...YEP! and got CARROT CALLUS INITIATION MEDIUM FROM PITH this it? your right bout the "gout" thing,of course.....i looked up all the ingredients,,and the cupric sulphate pentanydrate is for cattle.. goat and sheep hoof root,,which is a form of gout ,,right..but the others are a 13.0.44 potassium nitrate..and things to keep the hole thing from braking down..and a dye....pretty basic..(if i had a LAB)..nope this one i will buy..the research has been time to make a square wheel roll..THANK i think that this is the missing link to phase two..RIGHT..

wasnt to impressed last night,,,the lids on a few jars came unscrewed,,but still on top..not got to the sanitation thing...i see what ur sayin about the hot/cold air thing..i am not arguing with experience,,but i want to think that the air in the aquarium/alcoholed might be safer then open air/port hole on the cooker and a dog running for 5 hours or over night...could have used the over night thing last night....i defiantly need some longer tools,,ha ha ha ha (TISSUE CULTURES HAVE LONGER FORCEPS)
:-P...I had a hard time with barely opening the lid to transfer,,jars were deeper this time,,,i got some s/s tweezers and these clampy thingys with the clamp dremeled off..the medium was tougher this time..but it says that h/w plants want a harder medium.

got to browse the web for a non/harmful free picture managing download...​

I tape the jars with shitty lids, like stock bf jars, the lids dont tighten back down, but do close, so I tape them, sometimes if loose, because I'm cheap on things that really matter I guess. Those plastic lids are awesome, but the pressure cooker will ruin them if not careful. gotta put them on loose or cocked, then sterlize, then let cool down naturally. I have two dogs, raise chicken,rabbits, fish, marijuana, vegetables, on a farm, with muddy boots often, grow outdoors, stove is inside, cooling overnite, forever. no issues man. you'll see its your eylash, or mostly the dirty plant material. ppm will solve some of this issue though. honestly, mold is not on my worry list, for yrs. its no biggy, i got lots of cultures. In that last batch of about 25 transfers over a week ago , I have one container, with two transferred calluss to root that went moldy, one of those is dead, and I'll probably re wash and bleach the other live one for transfer again, which mostly works with older growth.

the pic is blurry, but a close up of the first two lateral branches on an explant, with no roots, happens sometimes, should catch up on next transfer,, or I'll divide it and root it seperately.

I've kept the jars dark in my transfer tent(covered the jars with aluminum foil) last for several weeks. mine start to get watery, but have never molded(never !)

cooling faster than natural will cause condensation buildup in the jars, drown explants, and water down your agar. dont do it grass hopper! please, for the love of tissue
first two lateral branches on a Ace of Spades culture, with no roots. happens sometimes, she'll catch up ! she is screaming for vengeance !!



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carrot culture medium is the gateway to what we are trying to achieve. its a no brainer, and I urge you to get some ppm,and the four hormones you'll want, and spend as much as you can afford on more ppm,agar,and other supplies while there. you can experiment with different pre mixes, or create your own, or duplicate one. i suggest buying hormones in small dilute amounts for ease of use. they'll last a year at least, before you run out. dont forget pure white cane sugar on the grocery list.
Hey dude I was looking at that PDF file you brought to light. I assume you are looking to mimic the hormone concentrations used in that paper... The thing is they are using 0.1ppm IBA and 0.05ppm NAA.. If I'm not mistaken I believe that would be 1 drop to 5 liters. (about 5 quarts 1 cup).

Also, do you guys add your Cytokinins to the same medium that your Auxins are in?
dude prolly nitro, but i got some 2 cents?I have mimicked that mix, and it works great. adjustments are made per your expression demands. I've never set out to murder a culture, but I also never killed one due to high hormone concentrates. The hormones will cause expressions, some more, some less,some desired, some undesired. Most of these traits should be grown out to make sure the desired results are exactly that. then you've found you're mix. I'm not even sure that too much or too little hormones will kill a plant, maybe stunt it, or suspend its growth, but maybe not kill. that china paper will get a culture going fast, with viable results. I use a mixture of three hormones of the four I own in every culture. I have been know to post treat also, for more roots, or branching, etc. in veg
dude prolly nitro, but i got some 2 cents?I have mimicked that mix, and it works great. adjustments are made per your expression demands. I've never set out to murder a culture, but I also never killed one due to high hormone concentrates. The hormones will cause expressions, some more, some less,some desired, some undesired. Most of these traits should be grown out to make sure the desired results are exactly that. then you've found you're mix. I'm not even sure that too much or too little hormones will kill a plant, maybe stunt it, or suspend its growth, but maybe not kill. that china paper will get a culture going fast, with viable results. I use a mixture of three hormones of the four I own in every culture. I have been know to post treat also, for more roots, or branching, etc. in veg

My experiences is about the same with established plants.. I haven't killed one yet but it can sure mess up yields when done wrong...