cloning pollinated female


Active Member
i'm thinking about getting a setup for my new house and will be starting with seeds. my question is, if for some reason i miss a male plant and the rest of my females get pollinated, will clones from the pollinated females produce seeds as well?


Well-Known Member
how long has it been flowering for. if it's been more than 2 weeks chances are you are going to have a difficult time getting the clones to root. also. if it does root, the whole plant won't be pollinated, just the calyx where the pollen caught the pistil.


Active Member
thanks for the help, i have one more question though. how long after i switch to a 12/12 cycle do i have to remove the males before they pollinate the females?


Active Member
It just depends on whether or not the male pollen sack (or ball) has opened and spread its pollen yet. Here is a picture of a male that has not opened yet. When it does open the ball would then resemble a small flower (kinda). Keep a close eye on the preflowers of all your plants to identify a possible male asap and remove it!

