cloning problem ... wilted leaves

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
i just tiik some clones a few hours ago that are about 6 inches tall and have 2 sets of fan leaves, my problem is that my clones have started to wilt and im not sure why.the plant is very healthy and i am using botanicare organic products on the mother. is it common for plants to wilt after cutting ? ? are they going to bounce back ? im stressin hard, please help ps the strain is purple kush if that hepls any


Well-Known Member
wilting is normal just dont let them dry out and keep the humidity up they should bounce back good luck purple kush is bomb

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
i hope they perk up soon, im just giving them pure water with no nutes, should i be adding a few ppm of nutes to help the rooting process ?


Well-Known Member
try covering them by cutting off the top of a 2 liter like a cheap humidity dome there are no roots yet so what else is there to absorb moisture right now other than the leaves.

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
thats a good point, i will try the 2L dome trick hopefully that helps. i have also herd that kush is really sensitive and cloning is challenging. probebly not the best choice for my first clone.


Active Member
ive had the same problem. Everybody has their own technique and heres mine.
What you explained is normal by the way. after they sit in light for a day they should lift back up.

I use large clear cups you get at 7-11 for ice coffe or slurpy's , put 2 small holes for air. and put it over the plant .. spray with water for humidity and it should root fast..
ive try'ed domes and other techniques , but this one works perfect for me.. you should try it next time.:eyesmoke:

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
i will, would it just be worth it to buy a cloner ?im thinkin a plastic lid like the (7 -11 cup or a traditional dome ) and a heat source to the tray would do the same thing ?


Active Member
;-)[im not saying your wrong but ive had the same problem and the when i cloned the plants wilted since icut them .when i woke up next morning they were lifted up and doing good.. after a few days they had some yellowing in the leaves but they rooted. after 4 days.. but like i said thats just my technique.. good luck dude


Well-Known Member
cloning is the most stressfull thing you can do to a plant. deffinetly a humidity dome and you can folier feed with rizotonic at this stage it will help promote roots much faster

canadian blazer

Well-Known Member
plants are looking much better today they've started to lift back up to the light. couldnt be happier to start toward a perpetual gargden system. thanks for the advice peeps


Well-Known Member
I find misting to be a better source than domes personally. I keep plants in what my husband refers too as "the nursery" which is really just on my kitchen counter. You can not water them, as they don't have roots. I keep lamps with CFLs over them for 24 hours for about a week or until I see new growth. Then I move them to the veg box on the 18hr cycle.

I might get flamed for this, but it works for me. I also cut 2 sets of leaves, but I razor the lower set off so the cut only has to support the top of itself instead of two sets of leaves, yeah there is less surface on which to absorb water, but I dunno, it works.

I've probably made over 20 clones and only 1 died on me and none of them ever hermed out on me.

Anyways, keep us updated

Your Cheerleader,

Sunny *\o/*

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Raise your humidity and mist them twice daily until they develop roots. I second the 2 liter dome idea.


Active Member
My clones did the same thing. They wilted then perked up after a day or two then half of them look like they been soaking in water the other half look fine. Using just one of those dome thingys and clonex and rockwool cubes.