cloning problem

this is how my clone is looking today. i don't know if its looking ok or not. not sure if it wasn't doing good if it would of started to look dead already
its been a week since i put it in here.



Well-Known Member
As long as it doesn't look dead it's fine, it could take as long as 30 days to root if the mum was in flower.
So my clone looks like it still alive. the leaves look like they are turning yellow at the ends. is this a good sign or a bad sign?


Well-Known Member
In an is possible to foliar feed a cutting if it's using up all it's stored nitrogen. In your situation, with a reveg clone taking longer, it may be advisable...but wait a bit longer. I have to say that that cutting demonstrates the resiliancy of ganja plants. That little gal really wants to live!

Edit: That the plant is yellowing is a good sign. It is still acyively metabolizing and using it's stored energy...and hopefully most of that work is going toward growing roots.


Well-Known Member
In an is possible to foliar feed a cutting if it's using up all it's stored nitrogen. In your situation, with a reveg clone taking longer, it may be advisable...but wait a bit longer. I have to say that that cutting demonstrates the resiliancy of ganja plants. That little gal really wants to live!
Yep, thats what i would have said too, if she starts getting too much yellow then give her a foliar feed with 1/4 strength nutes :)


Well-Known Member
Watch the plant and if yellowing continues till leaves are maybe half tellowed...then do a foliar feed and like Red Diamond said, 1/4 strength nutes should be ok. After the feeding, flush with a light spray of water and provide plenty of air movement to be sure it dries nicely.