Cloning Problems


Active Member
15 days ago, I took 20 cuttings from 2 AK-48 plants that I have in veg. I used rapid rooters soaked in a 5.5 PH solution of distilled water, 1 drop per gallon of SuperThrive, and about 1-2ml per gallon of Hygrozyme. They have been under a humidity dome since day 1. I'm using a 24 hour light cycle, but have been given mixed opinions about whether I should drop it to 18/6 (which the 2 mothers are currently on.) This method has given me an 80%+ rooting rate in the past, but not with this particular strain. Temp is a constant 78 F and RH is always 90% or above. I try to air the tray out for about 15 minutes a day, and give them a spray before I close it back up.

There hasn't been any noticeable root growth, and it's day 15. Out of frustration, I just started pulling the cuttings out of the rapid rooters to see if there was any roots started inside of the plugs, and every single one was brown around the cut, with no roots started at all on any of them. I usually spray the plugs every day or two as well, so I'm guessing my problem is keeping them too wet. But anyone with any advice, would be greatly appreciated. I hate wasting so much time and so many cuts...had planned on having these in veg and ready for flower by the first, and now I'll have to do it all over again.


Active Member
without seeing them, its sounds like yes you killed them with love, over watered them and they developed rot. try again, leave them in humidity for 5-7 days without removing lid, after 5-7 days remove lid and leave in open air, they should root by 14 days. Definately use a rooting agent, and until they visually have roots, dont feed them any superthrive or additives. plain ph'ed water. you should get faster development from 24hr light under fluro. good luck.


Active Member
24 hrs of light is best at first but what light do you use? 78 sounds a little hot to me. I plant mine in cups of organic soil mostly, then keep moist buy dry them out after you water once or twice a day. mist them with tap water, and water with (lukewarm 65-70degrees) tap water the first week or so


Well-Known Member
Why not instead of doing all that fancy shit, just put a little rooting powder on the cutting and stick them in soil? That's what I do and it never fails. No humidity dome or anything. :neutral:


Active Member
how direct is the light? and did you shave the cuttings before dipping? and i prefer clonex over all others. gel for the cutting and liquid for the soak of rapid rooters. No direct light for 7 days at 24/0. shave cuttings before you dip em and try some clonex.


Active Member
I did use Clonex, like I always do. Also shaved most of them. And the light is just a 2 bulb T5 fixture about a foot above the top of the dome. Don't see much "fancy shit" about it, pretty standard. Don't see any reason putting them in soil when there's absolutely nothing wrong with the plugs, it's basically the same thing, without the mess.


Active Member
I did use Clonex, like I always do. Also shaved most of them. And the light is just a 2 bulb T5 fixture about a foot above the top of the dome. Don't see much "fancy shit" about it, pretty standard. Don't see any reason putting them in soil when there's absolutely nothing wrong with the plugs, it's basically the same thing, without the mess.
Clonex.... hmmmm
I purchased mine about 5-6 months ago. Cloned 2 batches at a 100% rate with roots bursting out around 8-9 days. For the last month and a half I have been trying to replicate these results. I had 2/10 survive after 21 days in the first batch. The next batch is sitting at day 14 with no roots. On the first batch I also ripped open the rockwool only to find a callused lump surround a brown spot where the cut was made.

I am going to do a bit more searching on possible expiration dates, or similar issues with clonex.


Active Member
Clonex.... hmmmm
I purchased mine about 5-6 months ago. Cloned 2 batches at a 100% rate with roots bursting out around 8-9 days. For the last month and a half I have been trying to replicate these results. I had 2/10 survive after 21 days in the first batch. The next batch is sitting at day 14 with no roots. On the first batch I also ripped open the rockwool only to find a callused lump surround a brown spot where the cut was made.

I am going to do a bit more searching on possible expiration dates, or similar issues with clonex.
That's exactly what every one of my cuts looked like...which looks a lot like rot. So I'm going to guess it's not the Clonex, and it's more keeping my plugs way too wet. I just bought the bottle 2 days before I took the cuts.

There's one thing I don't quite understand about the "too wet" theory though.
Cloners are constantly soaking the cuttings, yet they work like a charm. How is this any different than keeping my plugs wet? I guess a constant mist is different than just sitting in water...but then I've also heard about people just putting a cutting in a glass of water and getting results...although not a favorable way of cloning, the point is, I've heard of it working...yet not 1 of my 20 clones rooted. Maybe the drop of SuperThrive and Hygrozyme had something to do with it, but my good buddy uses that same solution when he clones and gets damn near close to 100% every time...although he uses an EZ-Cloner.


Active Member
It does sound like you got rot for some reason. I've tried a bunch of different methods, from straight soil to misting cloners, but when I found these, it was game over for me. I've been using them exclusively for years and I get nearly 100% rooting, every time, in 10-14 days. The plugs stay just the right level of moisture, and can even handle an extended stay if you keep fertilized water in the tray. I've kept them as long as 30 days in the tray! lol Anyways, I know that doesn't help your current problem, but food for thought in the future.
GS :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks for all your help guys. Going to take more tonight, I'll let ya know how it goes in the next week or two.

BTW, My buddy was getting rid of a 30-site EZ Clone that he used like twice...for $50. Why didn't my dumbass jump on that?! lol.