Cloning question


Active Member

So we got some totally unbelievable stuff. Don't know what it is, but it is some of the best stuff I've ever smoked.

So I got about ten seeds out of the bag. Took three of them and germinated em. Got 3 beautiful plants.

A week ago I put them into 12-12 light cycle with FoxFarm nutes. They have all responded beautifully. One major problem - two of the plants are female, but the biggest of the 3 is definitely male.

I had taken 4 cuttings for clones before dialing back the light cycle. Now that the sex of the plants is visible, I realize that all 4 clones were taken from the male plant. As Cream said "if it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have no luck at all" :-)

The plants have been in 12-12 for 8 days. Is it too late to take new cuttings from the female for clones? If I take cuttings now and put them under 24 hour light, will they revert to vegetative state and root?

If not, how the heck do you determine which plant will be female to know where to get your clones?

If taking clones from the female now will still work, I would consider letting the male plant actually pollenate the females to get a good supply of new seeds. Like I said, this is some awesome weed!

Opinions? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
the way i clone is to wait until they flower for about 2 weeks or so to see who are male and female, then cut off which branches i wanna clone. they say not to do that while they are flowering but i do and have had great sucess with them.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like you have some options, you can put it back into veg for 2-4 days and clone them or damn the torpedoes full steam ahead and try for some clones now you are still in the early stages of flowering. As long as you dont clone a piece that has a bud on it it should be fine. Hell when I clone tomatoes that have flowers on them I just pluck them off. Either way if you do nothing you dont have any clones and if your clones dont take, you are in the same place that you started. So to sum it up I say do it you dont have anything to loose.


Active Member
idk man get that male out of there cause you wont get much of any buds if you still keep it in there.


Active Member
the best way to avoid this problem is to sex a lone and not the plant this is the correct method to use never sex a whole plant


Well-Known Member

You can take the clones from the females now. I have done it before, no worries.
Take them back to 18-24 hours light per day.
good luck



Ive taken clones with buds and done just fine it took a minute to revert back but all was good after a few days....


Active Member
Thanks to all of you for your replies. I appreciate the solid feedback. I'm taking the clones from the female tonight and we will see what we will see.

Thanks everybody!!