cloning question

Hi all, I made a few clones about nine days ago in peat cubes and the roots are now starting to poke through the sides. I planted one that was showing roots yeaterday and it shrivelled up and is looking pretty much dead. Any suggestions on what to do. I don't wanna kill them all by potting but on the other hand I heard if you expose the roots to light they die. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
I dont have much experiance on my 2nd grow, but FYI:

I just did my first clone about a month ago with White Russia. After day 6 or so roots began to poke out, and I exposed them to light, either I lucked up or something, the light was a flouscent bulb 52w. I checked them a least every other day until i transfer the best 12 into 5 gallon Ocean forest soil. All are doing fine. I used Rapid Rooter plugs and was 25 for 25 on rooting all clones.
Cheers in3dep so how did you pot it. Did you just take it out of the dome and stick in a hole in the soil. Do you think I was just unluck with my one that fucked up?


Well-Known Member
Yep, right out of the dome and into 5gal pot. After putting in soil, I watered them and placed under 1000mh 18/6. Im really not that experianced to determine if it was luck or what, I dont want to lead you in the wrong direction. If it were me I would try another clone and see what happens.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
If you take the clone and place it into soil which is thouroughly watered you should have no problems. Remember that root systems have to actually gorw into the soil so they may need water right around the base if the plant is shriveling up. That's really the only thing I can think of.


The Increase in light to 1000w shocked the hell out of it, raise the light way up for the 1st few days - week, and let it adjust and grow some roots.


only thing i can thing of is when you transplanted it did you soak it nice and good? like overwater it a little the first time so the roots can take off in the new medium?


In3deep, I an having all kins of trouble cloning. 25 of 25 I am so jealous. can you tell me more like How old were your mothers, what size were the clones, did you use a cloning gel? any watering in a humity done? I have a couple clones 2 weeks old and while still looking ok there is no sign of roots. damn this farming is fustrating.


Well-Known Member
My strain was White Russia,mother veg 6 weeks, then in flowering for 3. I was trying to grow organic and one day i came home and plants were droppy. Cause was not from heat or over/underwatering, I was missing something but I panic and just got to cutting babies. That same day a guy at the shop supplied me with all the needed tools. I went to youtube and found crappy videos of proper cutting and incorparted what I saw out of 3 or 4 vids. This is my first clone. Clone height I not sure but once I get home I will post up. Clones were cut at 45 degree angle below the 3rd node, then i would pull the leaves from the 3rd node. Not pull but peel and with a razor do a lil more peeling, then dip immediately into Olivia's cloning gel, and then into my Rapid Rooter plugs which i dipped not soaked in 7.0ph water. Then directly into a dome. Once all in the dome sprayed them down with spray bottle and sprayed the inner lid, then under 24hr fluroscent light( 2 lamps i leaned over the dome bulbs 26w each i purchased at Walmart) I never opened the vents on the dome. I read you are not suppose to remove dome for a certain amout of days but i was removing and touching the very next day, dome never removed for longer than 10min. I would spray as i saw as needed, and I determined when to water the cubes by squeezing to see how much moisture was in them based on when the first go in. With those keeps i hear if they dry out its complicated to get back moist, so i watered enough until it sort beefed up like when you water a sponge but not beefing up till the point of drip, beefed enough to when i squeeze i get a lil drip. I trying to provide you with every lil thing cuz i know how it is when you ask something and you get half answers that you dont completey understand that causes you to keep asking more questions. I will check post more often im rarely on, let me know how things goes. GOOD LUCK!!

its me

I just took 6 cuttings from a DWC mom and placed them in soil tablets and now in "clone" greenhouse under 1 t5. 24 hr lite. they dont look good , jus layin there. its been 3 days. yes i did use Clonex as specified. 80' and humid @ 70%. Thanks for any input