cloning question's need help


Active Member
I cut my clones last night,i cut them on the 45 trimed the fan leafs and dipped them in Schultz take root, wet the lil beauts down...Now my question is do i let the roots hang jus befor the water or do i let them go down into the water???????HELP:confused::peace:


Well-Known Member
What kind of cloning medium are you using?
And I think you are supposed to keep em submerged until bumps show. also giving your clones a dry period will promote root growth

I bought the same rooting powder and I am about to take clones myself for the first time.


Active Member
please explain your cloning procidure and maby I can help a bit
alright TTT HERE WE GO....i cut the clones on a 45,made little slits jus through the skin layer all the way around the bottom of the stem,then it went into water,then i dipped them in the take root and put them in little net pots so the stem sat below the net pot,all 6 of theese went into a small aerogarden,inside of my clone box ,witch has 4 other cfl's besides the aerogarden 1:confused::confused::confused:......i followed wolfmans plan's.:confused::confused::confused:THANKS FOR ANY HELP U R GIVING:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
i'm new to areo garden I just made my first areo cloner but as far as the roots go as long as you have lots of bubble action the water should be oxyigenated enough to allow the roots to be submerged just make shure the pumps neaver shut off I just killed 72 cause I forgot to turn my pumps on after I ph'ed the rez.

good luck bro


Well-Known Member
it also sounds like you have too much lights for clones is your lights atleast18 inches away?