Cloning Questions


Active Member

Ive got a few questions about cloning…
What is the best time of day to take cuttings?
Right before lights on/off? Right after? Sometime in the middle?
Do any of you clone straight into soil and get good results? I will be using rootone on the cuttings but I want to throw them straight in the soil and need to know if this is a bad idea.
If I took a clone after it rooted and through it right into 12/12 with an HPS light, would it grow long stems because the HPS or would it stay short because it is a clone strain?
If I take flowering clones(cuttings right after the plant shows sex) does this make the plant bushier than a normal clone or is this just a myth???
Also does it make the donor plant go back into reveg for a bit before it keeps flowering??
How much does this hurt the yield of the mother plant?


Well-Known Member
Subcool has a badass thread called cloning with subcool.From the questions you asked you had better read the faq.Youre a little green in the cloning process.We all had to start sometime....PEACE


Active Member
i always get better results using a grow medium like rockwool instead of straight into soil also i keep the clones in a mini green house type thing (clone box) becuase the more humid the faster the roots come.

yes the clones under a 12/12 hps do tend to be bushier but taking clones after they show sex doesnt mean they will be bushy they will just reveg and pending on the strain it will be bushy or not


Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters,5 days til root.Look up the thread and download,I GROW CHRONIC.You can catch most of it on you tube


Active Member
I have a question PLEASE HELP???
I have 2 plants that are female and im starting to flower.I want to know if i can flower the trim off buds go back to veg for a week or two and then cut clones.And also will it change the grade of the bud b/c it was budded before i cut clones.I will appreciate any info!!! Thanks