Cloning - Soil/rockwool ect, whats best?


Well-Known Member

wondering what people thoughts on the best method of cloning is?

is cloning using soil hard?

Any ways others people have done it?

cheers, Jolly


Well-Known Member
cloning in soil is easy as fuck. cut that clone with a razor (i even had success with scissors) underwater (my water was treated with rooting hormone) and then stick that bitch in the ground and dont touch for 3 weeks atleast


Well-Known Member
dont touch for three weeks?
surely it doesent take long for clones to root does it??
i heard only 3/4 days to a week at most.
anyone else?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I use oraganic peat plugs or rockwool. Just clip it, stick it in cloning hormone and put in the plug. Keep it moist, not too wet, mist the leaves daily and use a dome on it. You should see roots in 3 weeks poppin popping ou the sides and bottom. :mrgreen::peace:


Sector 5 Moderator
I cut mine about 3 weeks ago but they don't have any roots yet. I'm amazed that they are still alive; I just put them under a dome Friday. Oh well... nothing like making every possible mistake as you go along to teach you what to do and what not to do.


Well-Known Member
you have to flush your plant to get all the nitrogen out because nitrogen inhibits root growth.. you also have to mist heavily the week before... you can't just take a clone, like i said, the plant has to be nutritionally void when you take the cutting... flush the medium clean of anything for a week before taking a cutting, or the roots will come rather late.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I prefer to use

-rooting gel or rootingpowder
-razor blade
-wilt spray
-cfl lighting at about 3-6 inches from foliage

and my success rate is 99.999% :)
usually takes 3-10 days for rooting..



Well-Known Member
I use the same method GK, but use a dome on top of a heat pad.

How are you housing your clones if I might ask...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi trapper,

i rarely flush plants for ANY reason.. :) ... I only flush if there is a sign of nutrient lock....(this includes changing water in reservoirs and running staraight 5.8 water - ZERO PPM - for 12-48 hours - this happens once every 2 years or so.. when I fook something up... LOL) and usually my fook up consists of letting somebody else tend to my babies.... ahahhahaha iloveyou

I never flush more than a day (or two before harvest)..

i don't flush before cloning or interrupt scheduled feeding patterns...

I realize this is against a lot of popular writings.. but it never seems to effect my cloning percentage/quality.. I am never in a hurry for clones.. it always seems that I have way way way to many.. LOL


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Johny

i do use a dome once in while... no heating pad..

no need for a dome with wilt spray... wilt spray is pretty freaky shit.... :) :)

if i use a dome, it is only for 1-3 days.. I usuallyl et the plants breath 4-6 (take the dome off) times a day... probably no need for that.. but I still do it.


Well-Known Member
Ah, got ya...I was supposed to get that stuff with my closet. When
it wasn't included as advertised, I called them and was told it had
been excluded due to the fact that people were complaining
because they could not figure out how to use it properly.

I'm going to pick some up to experiment with...Good stuff GK.


Well-Known Member
i wonder how wilt spray would work in a cool climate,i run about 65 degrees with out a dome or the light to give heat,i didnt have great success so i bought a heating pad, i remember reading an article in cannabis culture or high times about wilt spray,i think Kp also used it.


Well-Known Member
hey when prepping your rockwool do you figure the ph before you put your cubes in the water or do you put your cubes in the water and then set your ph.


Well-Known Member
Im also interested in more ways, and info for soil cloning..
I live in an area that is very limited as far as grow shops and goods from such places..
I just moved here from the USA, and brought some seeds with me.. Feel the time has come to try and put them to good use..
You cant find grass here, hash is around.. BUT no buds anywhere.. Im very glad I was thinking ahead when I brought these seeds along..

Well I need to get the cloning down, if I expect to get the most out of the few seeds I brought..
So hope this thread keeps getting some feed back.. Im about a week away from starting my seeds..

I will force flower(ANY good methods, or threads on force flowering?) a little early to find any unwanted males..
Once I weed out the males I will be looking to start cloning asap :)

I am going to ebay some gel called CloneX, anyone heard of it, or used it?
There are a "local" ebay thing over here, and I actually found some Stim-Root..
Anyone know much about that one? Its things like this, lime, and HIDs that are impossible to find here..
BUT I'm damned determined..LOL


Well-Known Member
i took about 30 clones off my mom about a week ago, so far they are ALL doing perfect. which kinda surprised me, cus i wasnt expecting 100% success with rockwool/dome. my friend had a aeroponics cloner, but i seem to be getting equal success. none of my clones are dead or wilting yet, i mist them 2-3x a day. here's a pic of when i took them, i used Liquid Karma for the cuttings.

to the post above - ive heard of clonex. i was going to buy some, but instead i saw i could use Liquid Karma for cuttings so i didnt bother to get a bottle of clonex. i actually have 2 little clones sitting in a cup of liquid karma / water. theyve been there for about a week so i bet theyll take root. i suggest just using a nutrient designed for cuttings, and i think rockwool owns. no dead clones yet!



Well-Known Member
Im wondering if this soil mix will be ok for clones.. All it says in english is Organic.
The rest is all in chinese... Im wondering also what is best PH for clones? Also should B1 or blooming nutes be used?
Thx in advance
LOL getting a grow going in another country sure isnt easy :S


Active Member
Hey everyone got a question i was at OSH and they had these clone gel cups. that you cut your stem like normal and stick it directly into there cup filled with gel. and its not dipping them you leave them in the cups they make in clear so you can watch the progress

anyone heard of this or tried it?