Cloning tips and help


Hello everybody

Can i take clones from this feminized white widow ? its 2 months ago from germination

Please check the pic

Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, as long as it is still in veg. From my experience, it's harder to get a flowering clone to root.
Yes you can, as long as it is still in veg. From my experience, it's harder to get a flowering clone to root.
agreed. try to grab from the lower branches if possible, this helps two fold. 1) when removing lower growth you inspire the plant to move its energy to the upper limbs, and 2) it doesnt stress out your plant as much as if they were taken from upper, future bud producing branches. I usually wait till the prospective clone i want to take is at least 6-7 inches long, tiny wispy clones are harder to make roots. hope this helps!! Peace


Well-Known Member
yeah you can take clones from feminized plants... either top it or remove one of the lower branches to use as a clone... humidity domes and rooting hormones will increase your success rate.

i've had lower success rates with outdoor cloning but it is possible.