Cloning with different systems


Well-Known Member
you dont need a heating pad at all. my bubble cloner is in the same room as my mothers no heating pad just a 8 bulb t5 light and i get roots in 5 days no problem


Active Member
So you recommend Metal Halide, I was told that Florescent and Metal Halides don't make a difference with clones and florescent is nicer because its cheaper and less heat


Active Member
Awesome, I'm hoping that 72 clones can yield about 2 pounds, From what I read the White Widow and Super Nova are the strongest and they produce around 350 - 450 grams per meter squared


Active Member
I was gonna go for 1000 watt MH and 1000 watt HPS (not sure what configuration)

Greentrees Hydroponics, Products

Customize Your Grow Light

and either 2 or 4 foot 8 lamp florescent

Sun System New Wave T5 Fluorescent Systems

for the florescent should I got mostly cool, warm, or both? I was thinking cool since It probably lets off more blue light and the florescent will only be used for vegetating.

I also had thought about getting the switchable light housings so I can use MH bulbs for vegatating and then switch out the bulb for Budding and possibly save money on fixtures for cloning


Well-Known Member
i got a 8 bulb 4 foot light from amazon for 280 make sure if you go with a 1000w you get a big fanto cool them down. and for the t5's cool


Active Member
Will all that be enough for my setup? I figured one MH for all the mothers and 4 of the switchable ones (or 4 of the florescent and 4 HPS) for the two aero flow systems


Active Member
thank you, do you think I should use the florescent with the HPS or just do a switchable system and switch out MH and HPS bulbs?


Active Member
I think one of those switchable systems probably would work in my system, although I'll look into that dual fixture, would you mind If i added you into my contacts so if I have any future questions I can ask you


Well-Known Member
Your gonna want about 2000 watts total if you expect to get 2 pounds off 72 clones, i would highly suggest using (6)400 watt HPS. I don't think youll be able to get 2 pounds off (1) 1000 watt HPS. If you start in a month and harvest 8 months later that means you are going to veg for 6 months or so, tryin to grow some 20 foot plants? Lets be realistic shall we.


Active Member
I know my sights are set kinda high (I like to think big), as for the 8 week figure, I figured it would be 3 months to veg the mothers, then about 3 months to veg the clones and 1 month to bud, give or take a few weeks,as for the lights I was planing on using 2 1000 watt bulbs but if you recommend 6 400 watts I'll look into


Well-Known Member
with 6 400 watters you will get a much better light spread than 2x1000 watters.

I do not know of any plants that only take 1 month to flower, the short ones take 2 months to flower. If you are expecting to veg for 3 months I hope you realize those will be monster trees. 3 months in hydro probably be 20 footers once they flowered.

A more realistic approach would probably be more like 3-4 months from start to finish. 1 month to veg some 3 foot tall plants, 2 weeks to clone, 2 more weeks to veg those clones and 2 months to flower and then harvest. Using Hydro plants veg in almost half the time of soil, but still takes just as long to flower.


Active Member
Thank you for the help

Would it make sense to veg the clones for a month or so to improve the yield? or would that be overkill

also when you say 6 lights, is that for each aero flow system or for both
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