Cloning ....


Well-Known Member
i am going to be building my own cloner and was wondering if i have to use a mister or would a direct feed be good i will be useing rockwool.


Well-Known Member
direct feed,you can just set up a simple drip system that will drip for 5 mins 1 times per day. So many ways to clone, the simpler ones are foolproof and have good results.

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
clones need constante moisture, if you drip, use many times a day, no nutes in the feed, just h2o with maybe a little worm casting. OMRI or root juice GH

How exactly are you planning on making your own? i'd love to see the plans.


Well-Known Member
Mine just sit in the bottoms of plastic cups in another plastic cup full of water to support the stem and its been working okay.

The Garden Shed

Well-Known Member
If your using rockwool DO NOT drip multiple times per day, you will kill em.
So what would you consider drama i wonder? o, i wonder.

Also i would love for you to explain, just for us beginners, why they would die?

At what level and how would you create humidity in your dome environment?


Active Member
I clone by using the standard 6x12 inch trays with that 8" tall dome. I make a ph5 mixture of phosphoric acid (ph down), superthrive, Advanced 3 part .4 ml/ L and Olivea's Cloning solution. I soak the rockwool in this solution then toss the water out, but I try to make just enough fluid for the rockwool to suck up. I take a cutting then put it directly in Dutch Master Replicator and then into the cubes. I place the cubes into the dome and let it sit in darkness for a day then under 2 40W CFLs. I then water at least once a day when I can.They root within a week and stay nice and healthy.

One time I left the dome off on some clones that were only 1 week old and they all wilted and most of them are sick and damaged. Also never use urine to drop the pH in a solution for clones, I will not tell you why but just trust me on this one.