
I have looked it up but still am frustrated to be honest I need a diagram of the cut I need to make please I have some mothers and have taken some but just want to know if I've done right or not
Just make your 45 degree cut right under the third or fourth node down. About 1/4 inch below that node
trim your excess leaves. Use your hormone (if using one) dome em under a weak light. 24hr on. Keep checking every day. Should see roots in about a week.
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Yes,but dont check everyday,your just letting humidity out.If using a medium thats holds water thats all you need.Leave them be at least 5-6 days then open the dome vents a little.
Cant find it now but there is a really good tutorial on cloning,Ill see if I can find it.
Cool thanks
Cut right underneath the node not through it. I dont believe the angle of the cut makes much of a difference.
Just pretend you are a surgeon, keep everything clean as a whistle....use a fresh razorblade, sterilize the blade between plants, etc. and most importantly be patient. Dont go pulling cuts out of the plug after 2 days trying to see if roots are forming, you should start seeing roots in 7-10 days if you did everything right.
Yes,but dont check everyday

Oh. Interesting. I have at least 4 clones rooting at all times 365 days a year. And I have to Check and give a spritz of water everyday Once morning. Once before bed. Or they won’t make it. And seriously i never ever not had one root. Maybe just the way I do it I guess.
Cut right underneath the node not through it. I dont believe the angle of the cut makes much of a difference.
Just pretend you are a surgeon, keep everything clean as a whistle....use a fresh razorblade, sterilize the blade between plants, etc. and most importantly be patient. Dont go pulling cuts out of the plug after 2 days trying to see if roots are forming, you should start seeing roots in 7-10 days if you did everything right.
I used to think the angel didn’t mean shit. It doesn’t mean shit for roots to actually form. But the injuring and angle of the node helps direct the new tap root maybe? I just noticed more strength in the stocks on better prepared cuts vs the ones just cut dip and plant.
Awesome Ive done the same except I've left for 24hrs before spraying but this my first time like madonna I just got to see wat happens now cause only want to be fucked for the first time hahaha
Oh. Interesting. I have at least 4 clones rooting at all times 365 days a year. And I have to Check and give a spritz of water everyday Once morning. Once before bed. Or they won’t make it. And seriously i never ever not had one root. Maybe just the way I do it I guess.
Hmm. I don’t spritz any of my clones. Humidity is kept low so they don’t have damping off problems. I find they stay nice and green. With more humidity I found the new growth goes brown?