

Well-Known Member
i really don't know shit on cloning. at all what are the benefits. it makes the plant better or it grows faster or what?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
get somthing like this along with a mini dome, cut a lower branch off. from their you select a shot making sure their is at least 2 nodes to dip in the solution. be4 you dip cut off the hodes on the shot this well help with the rooting.( more area for root to form). then cut the shot at 45 degree angle under water, then dip and put in rockwool or petpots


Well-Known Member
u wanna do this because it increase time because there's no waiting on seeds, hatching, germinating,etc.,etc.. start at the end of a flower thats at least 4 inch. long, maybe the 2nd node up from the bottom works well.count back 4 leave stems on the flower go 1 inch past that and cut the flower at at 45 degree angle. now trim off the 2 most bottom leaves and take a razor blade and kinda shave the skin a little bit(dont rip it) on a few spots. this is where the roots will start out of . next hold under water and shave off another 45 degree angle as far to the bottom as possible. as soon as u cut that, dip it right into your CLONEX rooting gel and stick in a 2" pre-drilled hole in some light soil, dont use any nutrients fore a week or 2. just spray the bang leaves for this is its way to take in water until it gets roots. keep these cuttings under a humidadome for 3-4 days and then remove. i give 6 hours of dark a day for the first 3-4 days and after that just wait for the roots to appear. need anymore help just ask and ill tell u about a movie u can dl and it will really really help u out

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
use root powder #2, rock wool, seedling starter and a dome.

mix 3ml seedling start with a litre of water, soak rock wool in ph balance 5.5- 5.8 water. Take clipping above the nodes, dip it in water, dip in rooting powder, place in soaked rock wool piece, leaving a cm at the bottom for root growth. keep the dome closed until the rock wool dries up the first time. Once dry, mix seedling start 3ml to 1 litre of balanced water, and submerge the rock wool under water and replace in the dome. Open the vents of the dome less than a cm, for the duration (until roots are coming out of the side) transplant to your medium. Never spray with water in the dome, walls should have condensation on the sides, move closer to the light a little bit every day or two.

its very rare, that one doesnt take root, like less than 2 %, expected rooting time, 1-3 weeks


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
personaly i keep mine under 24/0 light till they root. every one is diff. but its not really hard to clone. hell if you can just cut ff a branch and drop it in a bucket of water and root. that must say somthing about the plant.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
ya most people I know use the 24 hr cycle as well, ive never tried this, im an avid believer in a dark period at every stage.Personally I notice my plants growing more in the morning under first light. I also think allowing the plant to warm up and cool off, would help in relieving moisture, encouraging root growth.


Well-Known Member
mygirls what are the hodes. I seen your outdoor grow it looked nice especially that big bud