use root powder #2, rock wool, seedling starter and a dome.
mix 3ml seedling start with a litre of water, soak rock wool in ph balance 5.5- 5.8 water. Take clipping above the nodes, dip it in water, dip in rooting powder, place in soaked rock wool piece, leaving a cm at the bottom for root growth. keep the dome closed until the rock wool dries up the first time. Once dry, mix seedling start 3ml to 1 litre of balanced water, and submerge the rock wool under water and replace in the dome. Open the vents of the dome less than a cm, for the duration (until roots are coming out of the side) transplant to your medium. Never spray with water in the dome, walls should have condensation on the sides, move closer to the light a little bit every day or two.
its very rare, that one doesnt take root, like less than 2 %, expected rooting time, 1-3 weeks