

Well-Known Member
So one of my ladies just fell over and broke in half so I want to salvage the stems and make clones, but i have no rockwool. Is there something i can do to preserve them until i get some? or clone them without it? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
So one of my ladies just fell over and broke in half so I want to salvage the stems and make clones, but i have no rockwool. Is there something i can do to preserve them until i get some? or clone them without it? Thanks.
A glass with plain tap water. If the glass is dark you can root the whole thing there and transplant into soil or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Is that to preserve them or actually clone them? I heard you can clone them in a glass of water in the refrigerator or something.


Well-Known Member
Soiless mix also works great...prolly need a bit of root powder or gel to get em rooting faster.


Haha Harley is on a mission to get people to root in water and plastic cup haha. Good one! Works, just not fast enough. Do you own stock in Dixie cups? Totally just kiddin....Thanks :)