

Well-Known Member
well this is attrempt---#4? and one out of many is loking good! also a fwe have survived from past attempts. moved them all out in open room- i think being trapped on the top shelf of my closet with no air exhaust or fresh in killed them.

I dunno what the prob is this time. I did the same thing to all that i did to a batch yesterday(which went fine) and today...most are majorly droopy. is this just overwater???? One looks perfectly ok.

Method here is-cleansed hands and area thoroughly, put 100%store bought Perlite in pot. I took chlorine free water, added h202, and some roothormone- 4-10-6 to water- pH to 5.8 and saturated perlite letting water drain into sink. I cut clone- removed branchs scraped bottom inch, split stem, dip in powdered root hormone, stick in perlite and put under 1000W MH. temp is 79.3-80.6F, 33%RH

(the plants were beginning to drop before they went under light) so whatever?!! can u tell im a little pissed..

I put some under cfl. some MH, some in dome some not... heat pad, etc.... just trying to see who wins first!

thoughts on droopiness? i have not seen over water cause this bad for me... but what else could it be?


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Well-Known Member you got so much space and your doing so little with it. First of all any clone must have a split leaf, 2 leafs at the end a "shoot". Clones take up to 2 even 3 weeks to clone, my rockwool cubes grow mold on the paper before the roots start and they STILL root like crazy, be patient and get humidity domes!!!!

Transpiration is the process in which plants release moisture through their leafs, new cuttings have no roots to suck up new water, so you need a dome to keep high humidity around your clones, if the air is saturated with moisture transpiration stops and the plants live.

Heres some pics of the absolute basics, Iv spent under 200 on my grow and I have a 1000w hps on the other side of the closet. Built my own carbon filter on a air pump and it works great.

First pic is fresh cut clones in dome, perlite underneath, keep them in there for up to 2 even 3 weeks, even when mold grows on the rockwoolcube paper they still root!! I use dutchmaster rooting hormone.

Second pic is a basic mother plant, topped it and used the top for a clone so it would grow 2 new main tops that will have lots more "Nodes"(strait single leafs where the shoots 'clones' grow)

Pic 3 is clones that have rooted and were freshly planted in soil

Pic 4 shows clones that are 3 weeks old in bigger pots.

I recently put some CFLs in an old deepfreezer for my mothers and set up my 1000w to flower all my babies in the closer, with my massive 3500cfm are pump on my home made carbon filter it smells fresh and clean.

You have so much damn potential in that space, its time to fill it up!! And go to a hydro shop and get yourself some big plastic pots, at least 11 liter, those plants are begging to stretch out those roots.

Good luck happy growing :joint:

PS you in BC? Fraser valley.. you got space and i got more plants than I know what to do with, lol


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Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies- transpiration- interesting. just a quick update cause I am gonna try and hit the beach today- The plants under the MH WIN>.... THe ones I left under the cfl look like horse*%^*...!

They are still a little water weary. But they will make it. Planning to cut up the rest of the mothers asap.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt be too worried about lighting for clones, I can put my tray with the dome on my bedroom floor under the Incandescent roof light and they will root fine, just takes time and lots of humidity to equalize the rate of water uptake with transpiration.

If I take the domes of my clones they wilt within 10-15 minutes and look terrible, but if i put the dome on they perk right up.

And MH for veg will always be better that CFLs just dont put it too close to the fresh clones.

If your using rockwool cubes, which you should be (15 cents each) the premade hole is usually too big, its better to make a smaller hole in the cube and make sure the cutting fits nice and snug and always, always push it all the way down into the whole, a little liquid rooting hormone and your good to go. Just keep them moist and humid, the cuttings will look great with domes, even if they havent produced roots yet, never pull them out to check, just look at the bottom of the rockwool cube for roots. Be Patient and Keep them Humid, cuttings cant survive in open air very well at all.
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Well-Known Member
Also Dont mistake wilting for over watering. Its hard to over water clones, Iv rooted clones in a glass of water on a window sill. Wilting is from the open air pulling out moisture too fast, they will shrivel up and get dark, try cutting a leaf and leaving it on the counter, that is what wilting looks like, over watering the plants will still look light green and fresh, just a LITTLE droopy. Over watering clones only slows down the process of making new roots, if they have the water they dont need new roots so they will just sit there green and healthy for weeeks without rooting, so start off with alot of moisture then ease it down, and once you get some humid domes burp them daily!! Dont want any build up of o2.

Hope this helps
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Well-Known Member
yes -- very good description there BC- its hard to decipher all of the differnet ways ppl suggest to do or not to clone- without an explanation like that-
+ rep ;)

added another 15 clones today- they all look pretty satisfied- we'll see in the mornin-kiss-ass??


Well-Known Member
here are some updated pics. I am watering twice a day- with 6.8 PH chlorine free, h202, and root hormone.

The last two waterings i used superthrive instead of root hormone.

I this i over-watered on a couple of them. And I have a dome to place over them all.

no sign of root... its been 6 days for the ones in perlite. about 4 days for the ones in peat pot/rockwool cube.

I am ready to transplant to soil- LOL. am i just being impatient or should i see some result by now? seeds grew faster than this!



Well-Known Member
ok-- FINAL REPORT--- after one month i have succeeded in getting some clones to root. I honestly can say i dont know what did it. But for the last week i have been spraying with water the rock wool- more aggressively- 2-3 times daily.(not dunking in water) foliar feeding at night... using a lil super thrive in the water. PH 6.5(not 5.5) and intermitently turning on n off heating pad- AND doming some clones...

ANyway- i finally have 18 clones... WITH ROOTS YAY... time to move on- thanks again for all the help everyone.
ay man i don't know alot about cloning myself, but i do know that you are just using leaves. post some pics of your mother plant and let's check it out, you should remove the stem from the main stem at a 45 degree angle cut and so forth. i don't indoor cloning either, only outdoor. but you need the stemm just just the leaves.