close to harvest please help.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
My last micro plant is almost ready to be chopped but today when i watered it i noticed small white bug looking things that were in the water floating on top of the soil then back into the dirt as it went are they and what can i do.ive got about a week before harvest.

part time grower326

Well-Known Member
Anyone know what these are or what to do to get rid of them.i just watered and squeezed my pot and tons of them flushed out from the soil.they seem to jump also.i dont want to harvest yet i just started my plain water flushing


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what these are or what to do to get rid of them.i just watered and squeezed my pot and tons of them flushed out from the soil.they seem to jump also.i dont want to harvest yet i just started my plain water flushing

If they jump then most likely culprits are springtails.

Detrivorous feeders.

Means there are some decaying matter in your soil.

Springtails are a part of soil ecology some find them beneficial however unsightly they maybe.
