Close to harvest ?


yeah. After the plant looks ripe to to the eye first. Damaged trichomes can appear mature
Ah ok fair enough, ill keep an eye on her anyway and hope for the best, what more can I expect off the colas then? As they are already super fat like the size of a ps move controller lol


Well-Known Member
Ah ok fair enough, ill keep an eye on her anyway and hope for the best, what more can I expect off the colas then? As they are already super fat like the size of a ps move controller lol
Just the final swell. Start to look like something you’d want to smoke. You’ll see the difference


Just the final swell. Start to look like something you’d want to smoke. You’ll see the difference
Yeah it doesn't resemble smokeable bud just yet, but she does look close! Ill be happy to be honest if she goes another few weeks because its already fatter than I thought it could ever get. Just posted some more pics on your previous comment


Well-Known Member
Yeah it doesn't resemble smokeable bud just yet, but she does look close! Ill be happy to be honest if she goes another few weeks because its already fatter than I thought it could ever get. Just posted some more pics on your previous comment
Don't forget when it dries it's not going to even be close to their current size.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the pink sock means lol

But also is it normal to get so many colas on a small auto? Its just that all pics I've seen of other people's plants are usually quite a bit less than this, I am pleasantly surprised for a first attempt at a grow
You obviously trained the plant so yes it's normal.


Not even three months old and all this worrying about finishing... bongsmilie
Yeah I know but its mainly because it said it will be ready in 8 weeks so I'm just asking about for info, I know the seed banks advertise overly short harvest times but just wanted to be see how long is left as I'm quite excited lol