closet grow bugs?

Project Ponics

Well-Known Member
So I have one two plants growing in my closet.

1x Bloody Skunk Auto from Sweet Seeds, I actually just planted the seed in soil yesterday.
1x Fastberry Auto from Fastbuds. On day 18 from seed, has the 5th set of fan leaves growing in.

I came home from work today, went to go mist and do my usual check-up. Well I spotted a dead bug on one of the leaves. It was a very small black bug that had wings. It was just laying on top of the leaf dead. Went to go take a picture to post on here, but when I grabbed it off the leaf I dropped it on my carpet accidently lol. I'm a little worried since I do not want a bug infestation to happen. Especially since I just planted another seed in a pot next to it yesterday. So my question is...

What should I do to take caution so more bugs don't appear, or if the one that was dead laid eggs I can prevent problems that may happen in the future?

I'm new to growing so I have never encountered any sort of bug problems as of now.

Fungus gnat.
Are you using a tent? Can’t say I’ve came across a bug problem and I only grow indoors...inside my tent.
I have a tent but it has two plants in it in 12/12. About 2-3 weeks until they get chopped down. Then I’ll be puttting these two in there. For now I have them in my closet :/

Google fungus gnats

Yeah it looks like it was a fungus gnat.
Get gnats all the time, manually remove and kill in a small tent, they are no bother at low numbers :-)
Gnats are very common but indicative of overwatering. They are easy to control and shouldn't hurt your plants; they are a nuisance.
Get some diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it on the top layer of soil. Kills gnats, their larvae, and other nasties. Neem oil works too but not as instantly as DE. Allow the topmost layer of soil to dry out in between waterings. Water your plants from the bottom for awhile if at all possible.