Closet grow/Light proof


Active Member
I read somewhere that i can apply some sort of film to the walls that will prevent a heat signature from showing if someone was trying to look from above. I'm not going to have a ton of heat but better safe than sorry living in the state i do. I'm sure someone here knows what I'm talking about.


Active Member
Thanks man. One more question, can i use the infra red barrier film first and then put mylar over it so i can get the reflective affects from the mylar? It should still work right?


Active Member
So it blocks the light from being seen on the outside of my house but also reflects the light on the inside of a closet so no need for mylar as well huh?


Well-Known Member
but be careful with that shit i dont know how it works ive just seen it never used it myself


Active Member
Be careful? Thats why i want to buy it, so i don't have to worry about someone seeing heat from above my house. If it does that I'll be happy. I live in AZ and the laws here against pot are freaking ridiculous. My only concern with the IR blocking film is if it will still reflect light back on my grow in my closet. I know it will keep the light from being seen above but i want to make sure my plants will be getting as much light reflected back on them.


Well-Known Member
Unless your using a couple 1000 watts, I would really worry about IR if I were you. Just save your money man. My 2 cents