Closet grow Mid grades and Hawaiian Big Buds


Well-Known Member
What up what up, nice looking grow so far.
Raeman does make a point though, why are you against them? Organic?
It will really give your plants a boost.



Active Member
oh i never said im against them i just have to drive 30 min. away just to get to a grow shop and im running a little tight on money right now but im gettin some soon


Active Member
as soon as the chance i am goin up there though to get some i was gonna get some flora nova nutes both vegging and flowering and i am gonna get some bat guanno


Well-Known Member
yeah flora nova is good shit. Get the kool bloom liquid to use along with the flora nova during flowering. Can't wait to see more pics...


Active Member
yeah its a 400w and its a hydrofarm with the ventialation just like urs winn420.... thanks for stoppin by 5 o'clock havent heard from u in a min. but yeah i got the hps so i'll keep everyone updated thanks to everyone who has been keepin up


Active Member
yeah it makes it very difficult cause like i've said before i didn't start those plants my buddy did and he is the one who found a place for them i dont even know the guy really and when i set my shit up was the only time i've been over there but i told the guy if anything happens to my equiptment he will have to pay for it cause i have over 400 dollars worth of shit over there but i can't even go over there unless i go with my buddy so yeah im not quite sure when i'll have pictures but the big buds we'll be budded at my place for sure i'm just gonna have to find a way for ventilation at my house i just don't know how i could do it with out makin a hole in the wall lol... but as soon as i get pics i'll post them


Active Member
well guys i know its been awhile since i've posted anything but i've been busy getting ready for my graduation which was yesterday so now i finally have some free time but i have some very bad news the two plants that i began to flower a little over a week ago are in fact males so im pretty damn pissed but im just glad they weren't originally mine but thats the risk u take with bag seeds which this is the last bag seed grow i ever do again! but some other bad news i have is that my best looking mid grade plant i have looks as if its showing sex and also looks male but im not for sure yet but its still vegging so its gonna be hard to tell for sure for awhile so im probably going to take it over and put it under the hps and make sure cause its already at 18in. so i figured i might as well but if ur wondering y i don't just clone these mids so i dont waste my time well i can't because they take forever for their inner growth to grow out for some reason but my big bud is looking fantastic it looks like a tiny bush because of all the inner growth that has grown out but i will be taking a clone from it sometime this next week and once it gets it's root system going i'll put it under the hps but i'll get some pictures up tomorrow so check them out


Well-Known Member
Yup, that is most definitely the shitty thing about bagseeds. I had four going and only one of them was female - thinken it might be hermie.

Good luck on the rest of this...



Active Member
well guys im back! i know its been forever but i promise it wasn't on purpose my laptop was being fixed i cant believe my charger quit workin i just bought this brand new but anyways i just wanted to let u guys know im back and i will have some pics posted very soon alright so keep up on it later!


Well-Known Member
nice pics- hows they turn out? i am growing maui wowie- also i notice you were having problem with ventilation- I have some pics of how i solved that problem on my grow.

Check it out-- And post more pics! i would love to see how this strain plays out :)


Active Member
well i have no idea if anyone is still subscibed to my journal but long story short two of my hawaiian big buds were males and one was a female but my female was cut down along with some white widow, kali mist, god berry, and monkey balls but my friends wife so me and my original partner cut our friend out of the picture so i now have my one mid grade plant that is a female on day three of flowering i have a hydrofarm conversion ballast with hood and a 400w hps all set up in my closet which i need to figure something out for ventilation cause its fuckin hot!!! but as soon as this plant is done i will start some more kali mist, god berry, and i believe i might still have some monkey balls left and i will also be ordering 3 feminised pakistan valley seed which is one of the best strains for pain relief which is what i need for my back disease but i will post some pics up probably tomorrow so check em out