Closet Grow Temperature Concerns of a First-Timer

Hi all. I'm looking for some advice on a small closet grow approximately 6' x 3'. I have done quite a bit of reading here and other places and I think I should go with a 200 - 600 MH / HPS HID light. I've been looking at HTG as a seller. My biggest concern is heat from the light, and the potential for fire. I haven't figured out a way to vent the air out of the closet without cutting holes in the closet doors. The doors make up the entire front of the closet, so I want to avoid that. I was wondering if that is a legitamate concern, and how hot the lights really get. Tell me what wattage you use and its temperature if you can. If you know of a cooler HID light please post a link. Can I get away with just some fans inside the closet to keep air moving? Thanks for any insight you guys might have on this issue.


Well-Known Member
If you got it closed up even cfl's would get very warm. Fresh air and light venting are a must.


Well-Known Member
with it closed up you will get nowhere, if you are going with a 600w i would advise a 6" fan as my 4" alone wasnt enough... i decided to buy a tent and got a little bit more real estate to grow in, and i didnt have to cut anymore holes in the ceiling. i use a 6" w/ my aircooled hood, and 4" for intake. fans inside the room that dont push air in and out do nothing to actually cool the temperature it just circulates hot air. you can feel free to look at my grow in my sig, you can see the first couple days were fucked up. i couldnt keep it under 90 or so without leaving my bifold doors cracked a foot. now in my tent i can keep it under 80 at any time, but that is also due to my intake sucking straight from in front of the AC unit.


Active Member
what is behind your closet wall? you might be able to vent into the wall or next room to get rid of some of the old stale air. i like to build stuff so if you really want to get into it you could potentially take one door off and frame it in and dry wall it and add a vent cover to the outside so it looks like a normal ac vent and then hook up your intake fan to the back of that. for a 6x3 grow room i'd probably go for a 600 watt. They do make air cooled lights which would help cut down on the heat and they have water cooled lights too but i think that gets pretty pricey.


Well-Known Member
i would use two lights two cool tube or vented hoods and a quailty can fan. no more then 600watts per light
What if i leave the closet doors open and use fans to remove hot air and mix it with cooler air out in the room (my room temp and a/c are usually 68F year round) will this keep the room and closet cool enough to be fire safe, and cool enough to have healtyplants? see my shitty diagram:



Well-Known Member
I grow in a closet which is 7x3x8

I use 1x600w HPS dual spectrum lamp with cooltube and rvk125a1. 2 oscilating fans and i have it venting into the attic. I also have some intakes in my closet door some powered some not.

IN a closet using any sort of HPS light you have to vent the hot air away from the grow room.

Mine goes up from the closet into the attic. As you can see from the pics.


