Closet Grow White Widdow


Active Member
Hey everyone, so like the title said White Widdow closet grow. I'm in my 3rd or 4th week of flowering. To be noted I was broke when I started this and vegged for about 2 1/2 months and 2 or 3 weeks of flowering with 2 Philips incandescent 150w "grow lights" along with no nutes just some good ole fox farms ocean. But a week ago or so I decided to spend some money since I had it and bought 2 55w cfl bulbs putting out around 3700 lumens a piece at 2700k in the spectrum and also purchased some fox farms big bloom liquid nutes so we'll see how it goes. Any feedback is appreciated will update weekly or so also a pic of my girl and a close up of one of her buds.


Well-Known Member
Vegged for 10 weeks? That's a weeks short of the total lifespan of stains in my room.

We seriously need pictures to help you out, though I'm dreading what they look like after that description. But I'm sure we can get you to harvest.

FYI, the next time you have money for your grow, start this thread before you spend it.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree, what is shown does not look bad at all. But we're talking about a plant nearly 14 weeks old. Can we get a whole plant shot or is that all of it?

What does that absolutely-no-context info about DJ Short have to do with anything?

FYI, no one who grows organically uses "nutrients"


Well-Known Member
Pretty sorry plant but considering the light used the majority of its life I'm surprised it looks as good as it does. Think how good he/she could have done with decent gear.


Well-Known Member
u need a lot more light but dont expect much more from it this time around. take it as an experience and plan ahead next time. white widow is a nice smoke. just finished growing one myself.


Well-Known Member
With proper lighting it'll mature to harvest and the buds will get bigger. 110 watts of fluoro, while capable, won't yield much on that little stalk.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Keep growing it, of course. You are learning valuable information that will help your next grow be miles ahead of this one.

Next time, you should be moving plants to flower in 3-4 weeks


Well-Known Member
The CFL's you have will veg two plants just fine, assuming the 55 watts is not an equivalency to incandescent, but the actual output of the CFL. I use exactly that size to veg my plants for a 400 HPS and also use one bulb per plant. But I have six of them.


Well-Known Member
You're good, that is the same bulb I use. It will veg a plant very well.

Look, I'm sure those color numbers are important, but I'm here to tell you, it is not necessary to have a specific color range to veg great plants. What you have will do the job. And do it really well, all things being equal.


Well-Known Member
in your small space go with a 250w hps or 400w with a cooltube and extraction. you will enjoy the benfits of HID flowering then. you'll find a lot of people veg with cfl and flower with hps just to keep costs down (ME). most people recommend at least 100w of cfl for 1 plant and at least an additional 50w per extra plant.


Active Member
Conveniently today I got talking to a buddy that I didn't know was a burner. We got to talking about growing and said he's got a 170w hps light that I could use. So new light to come soon.