Closet grow with hps setup pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Just thought id post some pics on here to see what everyone thinks....i started a grow journal but it has not really caught on....check it out ill be posting everyday, i started them from seed in paper towel and than had them in soil under t5's for like 3 weeks and than have had them under hps on 18/6 for the last few weeks with t5's shining from the middle and im going to add more on the sides as they grow....i have already thrown out some males...when i find all my ladies im going to be putting them under mh for 18/6 till they get about 6ish feet tall or start to gonna be re potting them into 5 gallon buckets and lining the room with black and white as soon as i know all the appreciate any using a veg juice called earth juice grow its 2-1-1....let me know what you think!!!

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Well-Known Member
yeah your pushing it on the light, keep the fan on 24 hours, hope you have a carbon filter cause thats gunna stink.


so your gunna flower to find the girls then reveg till there 6ft tall ? so they will end up being 10ft, plus and youll need about 4k more watts of hids in there.
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Well-Known Member
im gonna seal it off with black and white and add 2 smaller more compact oscilating fans, i am going to make a crabon filter just doing one thing at sat planning to only have about 10 plants going in the end....and i never thought abnout that maybe ill start to flower at 3-4 feet if it will grow that much after....i will have 2 4 foot t5's on eaach of the surrounding walls on top of the 400 mh and than hps....i think im going to try the uvb lighting as well i was looking at some of the uvb mercury vapor bulbs because they seem to have the hightes microwatts per cm2 out of all the uvb light i have researched......any more suggesgtions will be appreciated....thanks for the help!!! do they look good overall tho....not too streatched or anything???


Well-Known Member
First the T5 are doing no good sitting on the ground all they are doing is confusing the plants. Hang them above the plants about 2 inches from the plants on the side or attach them to the walls.

Secondly you have 30 plants that you intend to grow into monsters, you would roughly need to put at MAX 10 plants that were 4 feet tall under each 1000 watt light.

So I would say yes more light is absolutely nessecary.

But you do have another option.

You could switch to flower right now.

Why am I saying this?, because I believe it is possible to get away with using the one light for all the plants if you switch to flower Right now.

Most of the plants will yeild somewhere around a ounce each, and some a little more.

You can pull two pounds if you do this right..

But you will have the airiest buds trying to flower 30 monsters under 1 1000 watt light, even 2 for that matter... With a lesser yeild than if you do my suggestion

Thats assuming the light your using is a 1000, I didnt see you mention what it was.

Good Luck and feel free to Pm me, if you feel I can help..



Well-Known Member
I am a fan.....I think...switch to flower now...have you grown that many six foot tall plants before?....thats a lot of light and work. smaller plants are much more manageable and have a faster turnaround. and for six foot tall plants you are gonna need one high ass ceiling unless you plan on dropping a few lights in the middle as kind of a vertical room type setup but with tall I even making sense...?lol you are doing very well so far. they all look happy and healthy :blsmoke:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
First the T5 are doing no good sitting on the ground all they are doing is confusing the plants. Hang them above the plants about 2 inches from the plants on the side or attach them to the walls.

Secondly you have 30 plants that you intend to grow into monsters, you would roughly need to put at MAX 10 plants that were 4 feet tall under each 1000 watt light.

So I would say yes more light is absolutely nessecary.

But you do have another option.

You could switch to flower right now.

Why am I saying this?, because I believe it is possible to get away with using the one light for all the plants if you switch to flower Right now.

Most of the plants will yeild somewhere around a ounce each, and some a little more.

You can pull two pounds if you do this right..

But you will have the airiest buds trying to flower 30 monsters under 1 1000 watt light, even 2 for that matter... With a lesser yeild than if you do my suggestion

Thats assuming the light your using is a 1000, I didnt see you mention what it was.

Good Luck and feel free to Pm me, if you feel I can help..


Great advice...This will also help maintain some consistency of size...Important in a low light setup

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I see you have already topped....and you have some good branching going on...with enough light you will make some nice bud....good job so far.


Well-Known Member
so im going to have only abolut 10ish plants to flower in the assuming around that by the time i finish finding out which ones are males, im going to keep a mother and than flower the remaining which im hoping is around 10, this is a 400w hps.....just for starting out when this yeild is ready i will buy a higher wattage ballast for future grows......i will be lining this area with black and white for reflection and will be putting a few t5's on each of the walls, yeagh i tolpped them all and they seemed to take to it pretty well, so you think i should start flowering them soon.....should i not wait to remove males as most of them are already showing their sex and i just wanted to wait to seperate before flower, how much do u think i can yeild off 10-15 plants under a 400 with a whole bunch of t5's if i start flower soon? im just hoping to get like a poundish so im able to get more equipment for next time


Well-Known Member
i also didnt want to start budding them till i find the males out so i can take the remaining females and re plant them into 10 inch pots so they have tons of root space, thanks for the help everyone i appreciate it


Well-Known Member
i also didnt want to start budding them till i find the males out so i can take the remaining females and re plant them into 10 inch pots so they have tons of root space, thanks for the help everyone i appreciate it
if you force flower you will still have lots of time to get the males out of there. plus keeping them small is just so much easier....go check out my journal in my signature and see how much room my plants are taking up in flowering at 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet tall. but can still transplant them after they show sex and you will be fine. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey honkey town how much did one of those plants yeild...the ones from the first few posts of your journal???


Well-Known Member
what kind of problems do you mean.........i was told they can cover 4/4-5/5 square feet...thats ythe size of my closet part im using and im figuering i can house 10ish plants in there ....thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
You were told that 400 watts will cover 16sq ft up to 25 square feet.

While this is true that light from the bulb will reach that far, I go by a much more effcient size table.

4.6x4.6/6x6= 1000watt

BUT I use this standard for High Density sog where the plants are only 12-18 inches tall.

You want the light to penetrate 3 feet down into a solid canopy on your 4 foot tall plants and I just dont see it happening...

You would get a higher yeild flowering 16 plants now, expecting to get 1 ounce a plant.

Just my opinion...


Well-Known Member
Also I dont know how high you are hanging your lights above your plants, but FYI it needs to be 1 - 1.5 feet above the plants...


Well-Known Member
ok so switch to 12/12 now and i will still get at least an ounce a plant.....i will have t5s gooign 12/12 too and im going to cover the room in black and white from the head shop so the light can bounce around...what are some tips to get a big yeild like what can i start doing now that will help it....i appreciate all your help ganjagoddess....what are some good nutrients...what do you use.....what do u think about fox farm products i always hear people talking bout foxfarm!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have reviewed what we are working with here...

I would reccomend the following...

Take 16 clones from the bigger plants that are identified as female Now, and stick them under another the t5's in another room now. Root them and veg them under the two t5's lights you have.

Then huddle the plants into a 3.5x3.5 square and lower the 400HPS to within 18 inches of the plant canopy.

Switch the light to 12/12, and watch very carefully for signs of male plants over the next two weeks.

Also at the beginning of 12/12 stop feeding a veg forumula and begin feeding a Bloom formula of nutrients such as Supernatural Terra Bloom powder, or Fox Farms products

See hear for info on Fox Farm products... FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

click soil, and get every product ie (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and the three solubles (Open sesamea, beastie bloomz, cha ching)

These nutes are cheap and they do great for soil plants being grown in Fox Farm Soil.

As these plants show there sex, keep the fems and kill the males off.

Hopefully we get a 50/50 ration of better and end up with at least 15 females.

Now since some of your plants are taller than the other, you will need to level the feild, you can use cinder blocks, or anything, just get creative with it and get the tops all level with each other.

Also because some of your plants are taller they will yeild a slight bit more, but they should be spaced out into our 16 plant canopy to help light get down into them.

Think in rows....

Remeber to make sure there are NO light leaks from under the door, step in the closet with the light off and a bright light on outside the door to be sure...

8-9 weeks after going 12/12 we can hope to harvest plants with a average weight of 20-28 grams a piece. thus making you just under a pound of high quality cannabis...

Repeat with the clones you took now, that were vegging for a while, and select the phenotype you like the most and keep it as the mother for your "system" and at week 6 of flowering the above plants cut 16 clones off of her to use for second go around)

Good luck...



Well-Known Member
wicked advice bro, im gonna go get some fox farm real soon from the head shop probably monday for the nutes...what do u use to line the walls for reflection....have u ever used black and buddy recommended it and said its all that he would ever use because it doesnt create hot spots or somthing....seems cheap tho a buck a foot thats 10 feet gonna be making a filter to keeo down smell.....this is a closet thats about 5and a bit feet lenght a width so im gonna go in about a foot and make a wall out of the black and whit and cover the surrounding walls floor and ceiling with it as well...ill make a door to get in and out and a filter at the top somewhere coming down into a 5 gallon bucket...this way if you walk by the closet you can not see any light or smell or anything...ill post pics everyday to show everything and all advice is appreciated.....happy tokin!!!:joint:
