Closet grow with hps setup pics!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy i just hope i dont have problems...havent yet and im surprised being my first guess im a lucky bastard...he he he i should day that now somthing will go wrong he he he


Well-Known Member
Dont even sweat the mylar, just get flat white paint and re-paint the walls, no worries on going a foot in, that way you have a bit of room to work with around the plants.

And for possible future additions for certain things like air conditioners, ect...

Also Think about the possibility of having this become a perpetual design and harvesting 4 plants every two weeks.

Or upping it to a 1000 watt and 32 plants, or a 600 watt and 25 plants

Just remeber the cloning window is to only take clones to select as a mother plant before switching to flower...


Well-Known Member
sounds good...i appreciate all of your gonna post more pics tonight when they wake up.......i got my journal going too now so you can post on there if you would i go about 4 every 2 weeks???

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
GanjaGoddess has you by the hand so pay close attention. She knows what she speaks. I would like to make a recomendation...Get your wiring and plug strip up off the floor and onto the walls. The higher the better. The way you have it now, you are looking at a possible disaster. A spilled drink or water and you will be replacing all your equipment.

Good luck and listen to the Goddess and please, get that electric under control and secure. :peace:


Active Member
Nice, Yeah GanjaGoddess Rocks! This is the same approach im gonna be taking so I will be paying close attention. Good lookin Rocky! That is a hazard. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys yeagh i was thinkin the same thing....and yeagh godess is wicked...great advice!!!


Well-Known Member
Perpetual is interesting because it allows you to contiually harvest, it hard to get going right away from seed however but here is what your following steps should resemble.

Also I will note that the goal here is to grow only plants that are 12-18 inches tall and yeild about 25-28 grams each, this is really only feasible to do with clones, so the first harvest from seed is more or less the waiting period.

Step1.) Plant 30-35 seeds
Step2.) Grow 30-35 seeds to 10-12 inches tall
Step3.) Cut 3 clones and place under flouro light to root and then Veg them.
Step4.) Begin Flowering
Step5.) Determine sex and kill the males
Step6.) Locate the best 4 clones on the three mothers
Step7.) Cut 4 clones from mother plant about 9-12 inches long
Step8.) root these clones should take about 10-14 days.
Step9.) Finish flowering the seed plants and harvest
Step10.) Immediatly put the 4 rooted clones into flower and the cut 4 more clones and place under t5 lights
Step11.) 2 weeks later place these 4 more rooted clones into flower and cut 4 more
Step 12.) repeat process every two weeks, and soon you will be harvest close to a QP every 14 days.



Well-Known Member
So on monday i went and got some fox farm products and started my plants on 12/12, i also replanted all the ones in smaller pots into bigger ones until i can divide fems and than i will replant the fems into huge ones.....runnin out of room with them all- right now hopefully i can divide sex soon....i am gonna post some more pics in a bit of what they look like today these are some of yesterdays pics...july 14th.....the first week of flower with the new nutes.....i purchased fox farms tiger bloom, big bloom, bestie bloomz, and cha ching...i just have a question for gangagodess or any one else who can when mix big bloom and tiger bloom to my water and check the ph it is reading around 4ish and i had to use quite a bit of ph up to bring it back up....should i be doing this or phing my water first and than adding the just these nutes bring down the ph that much???
ok so heres some pics of how they look as of yesterday and ill be back with some more later on tonight to see if anyone can help presex some that i think might be females.....enjoy!!!



Well-Known Member
Nutes first then PH. Always... and yes it is entirely possible for the nutes to bring the PH that low...

Did you take clones first?


Well-Known Member
No i havent taken any clones yet i havent determined all the males yet, i believe i have some females but still am not sure exactly what to look for....ive seen pics and stuff just not sure....heres a pic of what i think is a female showing presex i think....what do you think....also i noticed some of the leaves on alot of plants are kinda limpish and a bit curled...not all the leaves but some one each plant is this from too much chems...i may of went a little over board the first night as i read you should use more the first time......i just watered them again today following the directions often should i water i have been every other day is this good, and how much do i goive each plant i usually fill it up and than wait for it to go through and than fill it up mone more time to make sure than whatever leaks out the bottom i let stay in the tran incase it wants to drink it a bit later, somtimes i add a half inch of water to the trays when watering just so they have a bit extra incase....should i be spraying them with water at all i read that somwhere........also what should humidity and temp be during 12/12 like the ranges i think mine are kinda high.....hard to maintain in a let me know what you think about this fem....if it is or not!!!
i appreciate all your help godess and everyone else!!!
when im done ill mail ya a fatt budd...he he he


Well-Known Member
No i havent taken any clones yet i havent determined all the males yet, i believe i have some females but still am not sure exactly what to look for....ive seen pics and stuff just not sure....heres a pic of what i think is a female showing presex i think....what do you think....also i noticed some of the leaves on alot of plants are kinda limpish and a bit curled...not all the leaves but some one each plant is this from too much chems...i may of went a little over board the first night as i read you should use more the first time......i just watered them again today following the directions often should i water i have been every other day is this good, and how much do i goive each plant i usually fill it up and than wait for it to go through and than fill it up mone more time to make sure than whatever leaks out the bottom i let stay in the tran incase it wants to drink it a bit later, somtimes i add a half inch of water to the trays when watering just so they have a bit extra incase....should i be spraying them with water at all i read that somwhere........also what should humidity and temp be during 12/12 like the ranges i think mine are kinda high.....hard to maintain in a let me know what you think about this fem....if it is or not!!!
i appreciate all your help godess and everyone else!!!
when im done ill mail ya a fatt budd...he he he



Well-Known Member
Essentially I think that is a pistol.. meaning it is female, although I have never seen a such a Yellow looking one???

Ne ways,

You really need to take clones from like 3-4 plants right now!!! take like 8 clones and label them to the plant you took them from, and Root them in another location under the T5's, then when the main plant they came from show sex, you will know if the clones you took were male or female!!!

If they get too far into flower the clones will have a realllly hard time rooting!!

And you NNNNEEEEEEEDDDD mother plants so you can skip the seed bullshit next time around!!!


Well-Known Member
ok godess so thats where the first pistols come out right??? cause i have a few that look like this im gonna clone tomorrow after i get some root juice, is there a way to do it without root juice and hoiw exactly am i supposed to go about this...i have an idea but if yu could explain a bit so i can get a better idea i would grreatly appreciate it!!! can fox farm be used to spray foliage and if so whick one do i use and how much? whens best time to start this?


Well-Known Member

Ok so This afternoon im going to get some rockwool and root juice and a new fan and some black and white to divide the area and for emination, i removed a male today...i post a pic to verify but i actually squeezed out a little tiny white looking seed, they seem to be growing alot faster and i leveled them otu as much as i can and i have the light a foot and a few inchs from the top of the plants, i sprayed them with water today but havent watered in 2 days cause i think i was over watering a bit i had some wheeping leaves but there getting better.....hey what should temp be cause mines like 90 degrees with a 70ish humidity...i have air conditioners that i have to put in my place soon as i just fully moved in this week.....its mad hot in ontario canada right now!!!.....i hope this is ok they look alright and i try to keep the door open a bit and the temp does drop a bit....ive added a few pics of the room today as well and the biggest plant in the room today......the last pics are of the male plant that i killed off and some of the pre flowers.......




Well-Known Member
DAY 7 OF FLOWERING today i put up the black and white to seal off the light and smell better as they are starting to reek......i covered all walls and ceiling and made a little door i have to finish tomorrow cause i was making too much noise and its late...wouldnt want the neighbors downstairs to call the cops..he he he......i did this all by myself with one long peice of black and white....and it was not easy......for the most part the plants are all level now i had to raise some up but their growing fast i already had to move the light up twice this week since the beginning of 12/ going to apply mylar maybe tomorrow just on the middle section of each also going to go through the plants tomorrow and try to throw out some more pesky males...i addad a few pics just to confirm thats what a male i think i know i just dont want to waste one of my ladies.....seems like theres alot of male to female ratio if many females at all...we'll have to friend has the same strain mothering right now so im good if i and up gettin it alright that my temp reaches like close to 90 and the humidity is 70is somtimes?....i try to leave the door open as much as i can and its cool than just whan i have it closed it get real hot even with the fan runnin......i think im going to order some feminized seeds for the next batch....i want to get some snow white...a friend of mine used to get it all the time and it has such a distinct smell that i so ordering 2 mercury vapour uvb bulbs to put in on each side of the hps...found some amazing ones that will project close to 400 uW/cm2 of uvb at a height of about 2 feet which is amazing and perfect for the job......let me know if these are indeed males so i can kill off all the ones that look like this....the balls usually come in bunches am i right???
enjoy the pics and let me know what you think.....i appreciate all the views...dont be afraid to leave a message or to even say waddup.....HAPPY TOKIN!!!





Well-Known Member
Hi mate your grow looks good but u need to do something about the heat.
Aim for like 74, u probly gonna need the a/c wen the light is on. This will help
with the humidity too.

Just a thought for ganja goddess' comment on the yellow pistols, the high heat may be a cause....


Well-Known Member
Definitly, that heat is killer, You are absolutely going to need to cool that room some way, either ALOT of fans, or if you can afford it a AC.

But keep in mind that with Humidity of 70+ YOU WILL be forced to purchase a Dehumidifier or sorts. You dont need a $200 one, but I am sure you will be able to find one for $60 or under if you shop around, even walmart or target carries cheap ones...

You need to get humidity down to like 40 or lower if possible, otherwise you may get bud rot.....


Well-Known Member

ok im going one step at a time....i will get a dehumidifier soon for sure and i was thinkin bout a portable ac with dehumidifier just waiting for some cash flow.....i got the room basically sealed off with black and white and mylar now i finished the last of it today....ive been keeping the door ope and the corner of the plastic open during the 12 on a bit and the temp is looking better i also have ac in my place now and will have another one in right close to the room this last night i decided to go through the plants and ended up throwing out 16 confirmed males.....i also and am very happy to say i have 5 confirmed females with pistles...the tohers look like there all female aswell but not fully showing so well just have to wait....i was very excited tho and woke up my girlfriend just to show her lol.....shes not as into it as i am tho......i also cloned 17 clones of off 2 of the females and have them in a dome in cubes under a few t5's.....i used a rooting hormone i got from the local head far they look good havent rooted i dont much water should i have in the tray like an inch or so.....?and should i be using veg juice on the clones already or wait till their planted and rooted?.........heres a few pics i took today.... i was wondering if theres any inti smell tricks anyone knows of besides carbon filter?......

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