Closet Grow


Active Member
Hello, I've been debating about the idea of growing for about six months now and have finally decided to go through with it. Here's my situation. I have a 4.5 foot wide, 2.5 foot deep, 7 foot tall closet. I'm going to more or less dedicate the closet solely to growing. After lining the interior of the walls with panda skin i'm going to mount this High Tech Garden Supply to the ceiling for lighting. The doors to the closet are two sliding wood doors. My question to anyone reading is... do you have any suggestions for ventilation of the closet (note i live in an apartment in which i cannot drill holes in the ceiling to make it vent to the attic) or any suggestions concerning the closet grow in general? Thanks so much, any feedback is helpful. -Ganja


Active Member
sub-question... "Is the lighting i chose appropriate and/or will those lights not fufill the needs of the plant?"


Well-Known Member
dude, I kinda have the same issue you are having right now, but mine is for a cabinet that I will be sticking in the closet. I will stay tuned to your thread to see what solutions folks have for you. But like you, I am stuck!


New Member
This is what you should do. Scratch the 4-tube 2' and get you a 6-tube 4'. Take the door off the closet and seal it up with panda poly and a couple adhesive zippers and ventilate back into the bedroom with a carbon filter and inline fan out the top and an intake hole at the bottom then cover/seal that up with black pantyhose. Get an A/C in the bedroom.


Active Member
yea I've decided to go with a tent i will be putting into the closet. to grow some low Ryder 2 but another question to grow about 4 plants what would be a sufficient CFL lighting arrangement?


New Member
Why buy a tent if you're just gonna put it in a closet? Just get a serious light and grow a lot of dank. ;-)

Check out the $20 150w HPS ballast thread around here. Hang the lamp down between the plants and you'll be set.

Get a quality strain instead of LR #2.