Closet indoor 1st attempt..


Active Member
So its been a while since my last post but I'm back to show you G-17#1 at 2 months and 3 days under 228watt w/s gro-lux 4 footers and a couple cool whites. 20/4 cycle.

G-17#2 has died. Well actually, I tossed it away because it didn't seem to be healthy. lol I know I could have thrown it outside, but I didn't really feel like doing all that work for a plant that looked as weak. (nodes where growing way too far apart with leaf mutation and it just couldn't get out of a wilt no matter what I did)

I'm thinking about building something to hold those 4 foot tubes vertically around the one remaining plant now, 3 fixtures in total..

any comments or suggestions would be welcome.:hump:



Active Member
Ok, so I've read that you can already determine sex after 30 days of veg. and I want to know what my plant is. (I was under the impression that you can only determine sex once you've started flowering) So I'm at 2 months and several days with my plant at 228watt fluorescent 4 foot tubing, but I'm having difficulty determining sex.

On the entire plant, only one pistil-like growth has any sort of hair growing from the tip. (And its very small at that) The rest dont really look like staminate, but they dont really look like pistils eather.

Please give your opinions.


(And sorry, but I couldn't get any closer)


be more curious

New Member
Thats a girl buddy, congrats :)

I don't see what you see. Two months of flowering? esh hope my tubes don't take that long.. whats you light cycle? did you give them 36hours dark prior to flowering?

Also you have to wait with your fingers crossed only time will tell truly. Start some other seeds just to keep you busy.